Jørgen Jensen
M, f. 1740, d. 9 februar 1807
Senest redigeret=5 Maj 2009
Jørgen Jensen var snedker i Melsted, Gudhjem. Han blev født i 1740. Jørgen blev gift 20 oktober 1769 i Østerlars, Øster, Bornholm, med Kirsten Hansdatter. Jørgen Jensen døde 9 februar 1807 i Gudhjem. Han blev bisat fra Gudhjem 15 februar 1807.1
Barn af Jørgen Jensen og Kirsten Hansdatter
- Anders Jørgensen d. 14 Jul 1845
- [S101] Bornholmske Kirkebøger, online http://www.kirkebog.dk/
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Mandens_navn : Jørgen Jensen
Mandens_erhverv : Snedker
Mandens_alder : 30
Mandens civilstand : Gift
Mand død (ja/nej) : Nej
Hustru død (ja/nej) : Nej
Mandens nr. ægteskab : 1
Hustrus alder : 25
Hustrus civilstand : gift
Kildestednavn : Ægteparrene
Hustrus nr. ægteskab : 1. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Jørgen Jensen, 46, Gift, Snedker og ved herredscompagniet, M, , Mand
Kirsten Hansdatter, 40, Gift, , K, , Hands kone
Giertrud Jørgensdatter, 17, Ugift, , K, , Barn
Jens Jørgensen, 16, Ugift, , M, , Barn
Anders Jørgensen, 11, Ugift, , M, , Barn
Maren Jørgensdatter, 7, Ugift, , K, , Barn. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Jørgen Jensen, 61, Gift, Huusmand uden Jord og er Snedker, M, , Mand
Kirsten Hansdatter, 55, Gift, , K, , hans Kone
Anders Jørgensen, 25, Ugift, Fisker, M, , deres Børn
Maren Jørgensdatter, 20, Ugift, , K, , deres Børn
Jacob Tranberg, 35, Gift, fraværende og farer til Søes for Matros, M, , Svigersøn
Giertrud Jørgensdatter, 31, Gift, , K, , deres Datter, hans Kone
Hans Tranberg, 5, -, , M, , deres Børn
Chresten Tranberg, 3, -, , M, , deres Børn.
Olaf Joachim Gudme
M, f. 16 november 1862, d. 15 maj 1925
Olaf Joachim Gudme
Portrætsamlingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Portrætsamlingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Det var en cand.theol. fra Birkerød Kostskole, Olaf Gudme hed han, der i 1898 slog dørene op for en helt ny og anderledes skole i Århus og bød sine fem elever indenfor.
"Marselisborg Kostskole og lærde Skole" skulle, i hvert fald til en begyndelse, friste en formentlig usikker tilværelse i hovedgården til godset Marselisborg, som Århus Kommune kort forinden havde købt af godsejer H.P. Ingerslev. I lejede lokaler og under beskedne forhold lykkedes det hurtigt Gudme at tilvejebringe en sådan opmærksomhed omkring skolen, at han ikke kunne være i tvivl om berettigelsen af nye og vidtgående initiativer.
Skolens "gamle" bygning blev opført i 1899. Fire år senere erhvervedes hele hovedgården og dens omgivende have. I 1904 stod første del af arkitekt Frimodt Clausens nye, store skole klar til brug, og samme år tildeltes Gudme dimissionsret til studentereksamen. De første fem "rigtige" studenter fra Marselisborg sprang ud få måneder senere.
Som det skulle vise sig, dimitteredes der, trods betydelige problemer undervejs, i tidens løb rigtig mange realister, studenter og HF`ere fra "skolen i skoven", der uden kostafdeling fra 1908 og som kommunal skole fra 1916 blev et meget attraktivt og stærkt benyttet alternativ til den gamle katedralskole og - senere - til byens øvrige gymnasieskoler. I tidens løb byggedes der til, skolen blev større. Modsat gik det med haven, som blev mindre, fordi den ved frasalg kunne bidrage til en nødvendig medfinansiering, da krisen for alvor kradsede før og efter kommuneovertagelsen 1916.
Fra 1973 ejes Marselisborg Gymnasium af Århus Amt.
Litteraturhenvisning: Lauge Jørgensen og I. Alstrup: Marselisborg Gymnasium 1898-1948 (1948) og Marselisborg Gymnasium 1898-1998 (1998)
Henning Spure Nielsen, Århus Byhistoriske Udvalg
"Marselisborg Kostskole og lærde Skole" skulle, i hvert fald til en begyndelse, friste en formentlig usikker tilværelse i hovedgården til godset Marselisborg, som Århus Kommune kort forinden havde købt af godsejer H.P. Ingerslev. I lejede lokaler og under beskedne forhold lykkedes det hurtigt Gudme at tilvejebringe en sådan opmærksomhed omkring skolen, at han ikke kunne være i tvivl om berettigelsen af nye og vidtgående initiativer.
Skolens "gamle" bygning blev opført i 1899. Fire år senere erhvervedes hele hovedgården og dens omgivende have. I 1904 stod første del af arkitekt Frimodt Clausens nye, store skole klar til brug, og samme år tildeltes Gudme dimissionsret til studentereksamen. De første fem "rigtige" studenter fra Marselisborg sprang ud få måneder senere.
Som det skulle vise sig, dimitteredes der, trods betydelige problemer undervejs, i tidens løb rigtig mange realister, studenter og HF`ere fra "skolen i skoven", der uden kostafdeling fra 1908 og som kommunal skole fra 1916 blev et meget attraktivt og stærkt benyttet alternativ til den gamle katedralskole og - senere - til byens øvrige gymnasieskoler. I tidens løb byggedes der til, skolen blev større. Modsat gik det med haven, som blev mindre, fordi den ved frasalg kunne bidrage til en nødvendig medfinansiering, da krisen for alvor kradsede før og efter kommuneovertagelsen 1916.
Fra 1973 ejes Marselisborg Gymnasium af Århus Amt.
Litteraturhenvisning: Lauge Jørgensen og I. Alstrup: Marselisborg Gymnasium 1898-1948 (1948) og Marselisborg Gymnasium 1898-1998 (1998)
Henning Spure Nielsen, Århus Byhistoriske Udvalg
Senest redigeret=18 Apr 2014
Olaf Joachim Gudme tog eksamen som student i Birkerød, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg. Han tog eksamen som cand. theol. Han blev født 16 november 1862 i Lumby, Lunde, Odense. Han blev døbt 28 december 1862 i Lumby, Lunde, Odense. Olaf blev gift i 1892 med Anne Kathrine Barbara Lindbæk. Olaf Joachim Gudme var i 1898 rektor i Marselisborg Kostskole og lærde Skole, Århus. Han døde 15 maj 1925 i en alder af 62 år.
Barn af Olaf Joachim Gudme og Anne Kathrine Barbara Lindbæk
- Peter de Hemmer Gudme+ f. 28 Sep 1897, d. 30 Nov 1944
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
- [S8] Kraks Legat, Kraks Vejviser.
Rasmus Høeg Petersen
M, f. 21 marts 1802, d. 5 april 1869
Senest redigeret=5 Dec 2009
Rasmus Høeg Petersen blev født 21 marts 1802 i Rynkeby, Bjerge, Odense. Han var i 1826 godsejer i Ulriksholm, Ulriksholmvej 96, Kølstrup, Bjerge, Odense. Rasmus blev gift 24 april 1826 med Ernestine Johanne Frederikke Syberg. Rasmus Høeg Petersen døde 5 april 1869 i Bakkegård, Valby, København, i en alder af 67 år.
Barn af Rasmus Høeg Petersen og Ernestine Johanne Frederikke Syberg
- Caroline Amalie Petersen+ f. 30 Apr 1836, d. 20 Mar 1914
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Rasmus Pedersen, 31, Gift, Eier af Ulriksholm, Landmand, , 1, , M
Ernestine Josephine Frederikke Pedersen, født Syberg, 27, Gift, Ovennævntes Hustru, , 1, , K
Theodor Pedersen, 4, Ugift, Deres Børn, , 0, , M
Amalie Pedersen, 2, Ugift, Deres Børn, , 0, , K
Rasmus Pedersen, 1, Ugift, Deres Børn, , 0, , M. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Rasmus Pedersen, 37, Gift, , Eier af Gaarden,
Erstine Pedersen født Syberg, 32, Gift, , Hans Hustru,
Theodor Pedersen, 9, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Amalie Pedersen, 8, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Rasmus Pedersen, 7, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Frederikke Pedersen, 5, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Caroline Pedersen, 4, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Christian Pedersen, 4, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Johannes Bloch, 12, Ugift, , Pleiebarn,. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Rasmus Pedersen, 42, Gift, , Godsejer, Rynkeby,Odense amt
E. Pedersen født Syberg, 37, Gift, , Hans kone, Svendborg
Theodor Pedersen, 14, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Amalie Pedersen, 13, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Rasmus Pedersen, 12, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Frederikke Pedersen, 10, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Caroline Pedersen, 9, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Christian Pedersen, 9, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Pouline Pedersen, 5, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Octavia Pedersen, 3, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup
Elvira Pedersen, 1, Ugift, , Deres børn, Kjølstrup. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Rasmus Pedersen, 47, Gift, , Eier af Gaarden, Jægermester, Rynkebye, Odense Amt
E. Pedersen, født Syberg, 42, Gift, , Hans Kone, Svendborg
Theodor Pedersen, 20, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Forvalter paa Gaarden, Kølstrup
Amalie Pedersen, 18, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup
Frederikke Pedersen, 15, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup
Caroline Pedersen, 14, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup
Pouline Pedersen, 9, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup
Octavia Pedersen, 7, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup
Fritz Pedersen, 4, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Kølstrup. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Rasmus Pedersen, 52, Gift, Godsejer, Jægermester, Rynkeby,Odense Amt, 1, Huusfader, M
Ernestine Pedersen, født Syberg, 47, Gift, , Svendborg, 1, Hans Kone, K
Rasmus Pedersen (Syberg), 22, Ugift, Forvalter, Kølstrup, 0, Deres Søn, M
Theodor Pedersen, 25, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Søn, M
Frederikke Pedersen, 20, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Datter, K
Caroline Pedersen, 19, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Datter, K
Povline Pedersen, 14, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Datter, K
Octavia Pedersen, 13, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Datter, K
Fritz Pedersen, 9, Ugift, , Kølstrup, 0, Deres Søn, M.
Anne Sofie Christiansen1
Senest redigeret=15 Nov 2013
Barn af Anne Sofie Christiansen og Helge Thorsager
- [S573] Ellen Thorsager, "Slekt," e-mail til Carl Frederik Thorsager, 2013.
Svend Dyssegaard
Senest redigeret=3 Apr 2016
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Hjalmar Hans Aage Mortensen f. 31 Jan 1893, d. 26 Sep 1985 |
Mor-Nat* | Johanne Honoratusdatter Bonnevie f. 2 Okt 1887, d. 26 Sep 1985 |
Barn af Svend Dyssegaard og Ellen Hemmeshøj Hansen
Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss
M, f. 26 august 1862, d. 12 maj 1914
Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss
Portrætsamlingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Portrætsamlingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Senest redigeret=19 Apr 2014
Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss var vinhandler i København. Han blev født 26 august 1862 i Viborg. Han var søn af Vilhelm Christian Daniel Foss og Anny Cathinka Kornerup. Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss blev døbt 1 oktober 1862 i København. Vilhelm blev gift 30 juli 1898 i Hellebæk, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg, med Edda Marie Elisabeth Hostrup-Schultz, datter af Jens Johan Frederik Hostrup Schultz og Marie Charlotte Elisabeth Lilla Rönchendorff. Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss døde 12 maj 1914 i København i en alder af 51 år. Han blev bisat fra Ålsgårde, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg, 14 maj 1914.
Far-Nat* | Vilhelm Christian Daniel Foss f. 24 Dec 1823, d. 19 Apr 1862 |
Mor-Nat* | Anny Cathinka Kornerup f. 2 Okt 1832, d. 25 Mar 1909 |
Barn af Vilhelm Daniel Christian Foss og Edda Marie Elisabeth Hostrup-Schultz
- Esther Annie Hostrup Foss+ f. 16 Jan 1902
- [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
Holger Christen Winge
M, f. 28 april 1870, d. 21 november 1944
Senest redigeret=16 Apr 2015
Holger Christen Winge blev født 28 april 1870 i Vordingborg. Han var søn af Herman Peter Winge og Charlotte Josephine Qvistgaard. Holger Christen Winge blev døbt 6 juni 1870 i Vordingborg.1 Han tog eksamen som eksaminand i 1888. Han tog eksamen som cand. polyt. i 1894. Holger blev gift 25 september 1900 i Vedbæk Kapel, Enrumvej 30, Vedbæk, København, med Gudrun Hein, datter af Adolph Christian Friedrich Hein og Laura Henriette Jensen. Holger Christen Winge og Gudrun blev skilt i 1910. Holger blev gift 4 oktober 1923 med Theodora Angelo, datter af Henry Rørbye Angelo og Jessica Bonnell Ward. Holger Christen Winge var i 1928 driftsinspektør ved Hammelbanen. Han døde 21 november 1944 i en alder af 74 år.
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Herman Peter Winge f. 16 Sep 1839, d. 1925 |
Mor-Nat* | Charlotte Josephine Qvistgaard f. 21 Nov 1841, d. 1921 |
Familie: Holger Christen Winge og Gudrun Hein
Familie: Holger Christen Winge og Theodora Angelo
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Herman Peter Winge, 40, Gift, Kjøbenhavn, Husfader, overfor?? paa Frisenborg
Charlotte Josefsen Winge født Qvistgaard, 38, Gift, Kjøbenhavn, Husmoder
Regitze Vilhelmine Winge, 11, Ugift, Kongens Lyngby, Barn
Holger Winge, 9, Ugift, Vordingborg, Barn
Axel Victor Winge, 6, Ugift, Kjøbenhavn, Barn.
Aage Christian Villaume Fabricius
M, f. 2 juni 1881, d. 28 september 1889
Senest redigeret=6 Apr 2016
Aage Christian Villaume Fabricius blev født 2 juni 1881 i Frederiksberg, København. Han var søn af Christian Niels Munk Fabricius og Maren Kirstine Ane Nielsine Marie Jensen. Aage Christian Villaume Fabricius blev døbt 17 juli 1881 i Frederiksberg Kirke, Frederiksberg Allé 71, Frederiksberg, København. Han døde 28 september 1889 i Frederiksberg, København, i en alder af 8 år.1 Han blev bisat fra Frederiksberg, København, 6 oktober 1889.
Far-Nat* | Christian Niels Munk Fabricius f. 17 Mar 1853, d. 24 Jun 1926 |
Mor-Nat* | Maren Kirstine Ane Nielsine Marie Jensen f. 3 Maj 1854, d. 19 Mar 1930 |
- [S602] Ukendt short title: 8 aar.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Niels Munck Fabricius, 23 Aar, Gift, Fabriksarbejder, Thisted, Husfader, M
Christine Fabricius, 22 Aar, Gift, , Nykjøbing p Mors, Husmoder, K
Vilhelm Fabricius, 7, Ugift, , Frederiksberg, Dreng, M
Aage Fabricius, 4, Ugift, , Frederiksberg, Dreng, M
Eva Fabricius, under 1 Aar, Ugift, , Frederiksberg, Pige, K.
Emma von Seelen
Senest redigeret=26 Jan 2011
Far-Nat* | Otto von Seelen f. 14 Sep 1899 |
Mor-Nat* | Valborg Hansen f. 4 Jan 1899 |
Else Catrine Jensen
K, f. 22 januar 1861, d. 4 september 1922
Senest redigeret=15 Apr 2014
Else Catrine Jensen blev født 22 januar 1861 i Nørre Halne, Biersted, Kær, Ålborg. Hun blev døbt 1 april 1861 i Biersted, Kær, Ålborg.1 Else blev gift 30 oktober 1879 i Biersted, Kær, Ålborg, med Lars Peter Christensen Gunner.1 Else Catrine Jensen døde 4 september 1922 i København i en alder af 61 år.2
Barn af Else Catrine Jensen og Lars Peter Christensen Gunner
- Janus Birger Kristian Gunner f. 27 Jun 1882, d. 13 Jul 1959
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Poul Olsen
M, f. før 1460, d. 1522
Senest redigeret=4 Maj 2007
Poul Olsen blev født før 1460 i 24. Vg. Bjergegård, Åker, Sønder, Bornholm.1 Han var søn af Oluf Jensen. Poul blev gift før 1480 med Anne Pedersdatter Hals, datter af Peder Ødbernsen Hals og Andersdatter Galen. Poul Olsen døde i 1522 i 09. Vg. Store Bjergegård, Vestermarie, Vester, Bornholm.2
Far-Nat* | Oluf Jensen f. f 1440, d. e 1508 |
Børn af Poul Olsen og Anne Pedersdatter Hals
- (?) Poulsdatter+
- Peder Poulsen+ f. 1482, d. 1535
- Axel Poulsen+ f. c 1495
- [S48] Aage Kure, Ludvig Kristian Kures aner.
- [S49] Adkomstregistrering, online http://webarkiv.hum.ku.dk/navneforskning/adkomst.htm, 1530.
Aage Malte Ludvig Johan de Svanenskjold
M, f. 29 juli 1880, d. 6 marts 1953
Senest redigeret=4 Mar 2018
Aage Malte Ludvig Johan de Svanenskjold var sømand. Han blev født 29 juli 1880 i København. Han var søn af Peter Reginald Emil de Svanenskjold og Helene Catharina Thora Mathilde Baggesen. Aage Malte Ludvig Johan de Svanenskjold døde 6 marts 1953 i Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia, i en alder af 72 år.1
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Peter Reginald Emil de Svanenskjold f. 31 Aug 1837, d. 14 Jun 1913 |
Mor-Nat* | Helene Catharina Thora Mathilde Baggesen f. 5 Mar 1844, d. 28 Mar 1913 |
- [S141] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Reginald Peter Emil Svanenskjold, 47, Gift, fhv.Landmand, Løgstør, Husfader, M, 34 Aar, Kjøbenhavn
Helene Katrine Svanenskjold, 40, Gift, , Fredericia, Husmoder, K, 20 Aar,
Helene Caroline Svanenskjold, 8, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K, ,
Aage Svanenskjold, 4, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Søn, M, ,
Conradine Henriette Beyer, 74, Ugift, forhenværende Lærerinde, Kjøbenhavn, , K, ,. - [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Otte Pedersen Uf
M, f. før 1440, d. mellem 1497 og 1500
Norman Lee Madsen skriver:1
The respected Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann (published in 1931) relates that Otte Pedersen Uf can be found mentioned in records dating from 1493 and 1497 in which he is mentioned as the owner of Skovsholm in Ibsker parish; and that it is thought that his wife was a member of the Galen family. They are attributed as having had at least four children:
1) Oluf Ottesen, Chief Justice (Landsdommer) of Bornholm from 1508 to 1522;
2) Peder Uf, 'Kannik' in Skåne, 1505;
3) Anders Uf, mentioned as 'frænde' to Anders Galen in 1511, and known to have been alive in 1533;
4) a daughter, given name unknown, married to Oluf Tuesen.
Dr. Zarthmann attributes Gunhild Uf to be the 'datterdatter' of Otte Pedersen Uf, thus making her the daugher of Oluf Tuesen and the unkown Uf daughter. While in '1000 Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt', by Edvard Skovgård, Gunhild Uf is attributed to be the daughter of Anders Uf and Anne Sevidsdatter of St. Kannikegård in Bodilsker parish; in 1449, as a wedding present from her father Sevid Nielsen, they were given the ownership of St. Kannikegård. This would mean that Edvard Skovgård's Anders Uf must have been at least 25 years old in 1449 (25 was the age at which a man could own land in that era), and thus born before 1426. If he was the same Anders Uf who was 'frænde' to Anders Galen in 1511, then he would have been at least 107 years old in 1533.
It is probable that Edvard Skovgård has mistakenly attributed Anders Uf, the son of Otte Pedersen Uf, to be the same person as Anders Uf of St. Kannikegård. It has also been presented that Gunhild Uf and her brothers are the children of Otte Pedersen Uf's son Anders Uf, rather than that of his daughter and her husband Oluf Tuesen.
Edvard Skovgård has lain out an ancestry for Anders Uf, of St. Kannikegård, that leads back to the first King of a united Danmark: Gorm den Gamle and his wife Thyra Dannebod. History says that Thyra was the descendant of a long line of Kings in England, dating back to 400 A.D. It is an accepted fact that the present Queen of Danmark, Margrethe II, is a descendant of King Gorm; that all of the Danish royalty since then have numbered among his descendants. And thus through inter-marriage many of Europe's royal families, including the British, are his descendants.
Edvard Skovgård states that Anders Uf was the son of Otte Pedersen Uf (?- after 1497) and ??? Galen. That ??? Galen was the daughter of Tuve (Tue) Galen (before 1320-after 1400) of Næsbyholm in Skåne, who in 1345 was made a Knight (Ridder), in 1364 Marschall, and from 1376-83 was 'Gældker' (Treasurer?); he married Ingefred Pedersdatter Urup on April 15, 1345. She was the daughter of Peder Holmgersen Urup (?- 1378), who is a decendant of Cecilie - a daughter of King Knud (Canute) the Holy (who was a gr-gr-gr-grandson of Gorm the Elder).
Edvard Skovgård states they had five children. While in the book 'Nachkommen Gorms des Alten' (Descendants of Gorm) by Siegfried Otto Brenner (published in 1978 by the Danish Genealogy Society), Tuve Galen is said to be a descendant of Gorm, it does not list ??? Galen. He is recorded in that book as having four children: Anders Galen (?-after 1399); Peder Galen (?-after 1400); Ingefred Tuvesdatter Galen (?-1396) married to Johannes Absalonsen Ulfeldt (?- 1396); and ??? Tuvesdatter Galen married to Conrad Isenvorde (Isenfurt) (?-1396/97), esquire in Skåne. It does NOT list a fifth child: the un-named Galen daughter married to Otte Pedersen Uf.
I have not included Edvard Skovgård's lineage of the Uf family in this database for the simple reason I found the dates and connections to be rather suspect. Working with those dates that were provided I found that the un-named Galen woman must have been born between 1345 and 1380 (at the very latest!). As Edvard Skovgård's Anders Uf was alive in 1533, it is doubtful that he was born before 1426. Given a limit to a woman's child-bearing years, by this calculation she could not (by any stretch of the imagination) have given birth to a child past 1430. This would mean that Anders Uf would have had to have lived to at least 105 years old, and have been fathering children at 70-80 years old. Also, since Otte Pedersen Uf was still alive in 1497, it is doubtful he was born before 1400. Meaning that Otte Pedersen Uf, at 20-30, would have been married to woman at least 20- 30 years older than himself. This whole senario is remotely possible, but highly unlikely!
The Anders Uf of St. Kannikegård was a nobleman (adelsmand) and is described as a 'Storbonde'; I am not sure of the word's exact meaning, however: stor=great and bonde=farmer, so I suspect it means he was the holder of large amounts of land farmed by 'vornedskabe' peasants.
In the middle-ages the peasants had been declared 'vornedskabe' (bound), this meant that the descendants of tenured peasants could be forced to stay on the 'vornedegård' they were working, and it gave the owner of the farms the right to recall a dead peasant's heir to take over working the land.
By the 1500s those tenured peasants who lived on manor-owned farms worked off a portion of their taxes by service in the manor's fields. That said, it is still possible that the Uf-family of Bornholm is descended from Gorm; being as that they were of minor Danish nobility, and on account of the nobility's tendancy to inter-marry amongst themselves. They seem to have been connected to families, (i.e. the Galen- family) known to be descended from Gorm; however, the possible connection is far from certain and will probably remain that way!
The first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm's historical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of Hammershus fortress by his mother's brother Niels Jonsen, who was Archbishop of Lund from 1361-1379.
During a long winter stay at the fortress the Archbishop died on February 5, 1379. Two days previously he had written his testament, wherein he left to Hans Uf his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40 Marks in silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items used during his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings in Listed fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, and which brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent.
During Hans Uf's long term of office he acquired land in the region north-west of Svaneke. The Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughter Cecilie, leaving her a gold ring. She was later married three times, all of her husbands were noblemen from Skåne. She outlived them all and in 1427 she bestowed a gilded silver-chalice to Nyker Church, which is still in use, it bears the Uf-family coat-of-arms - with its characteristic truss (sparren) - and the inscription: 'Madame Cecilie gave this chalice to All-Saints Church, pray for my soul.' This indicates that the Uf-family had a home-farm in Nyker parish.
Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann (published in 1931) relates that Otte Pedersen Uf can be found mentioned in records dating from 1493 and1497 in which he is mentioned as the owner of the 'proprietairgård' Skovsholm in Ibsker parish. He also owned Simblegård, proprietairgård in Klemensker parish. The document of 1493 which mentions 'Otte Wff' can befound in 'Den Arnamagnæanske Samling' published in København. It is also printed in 'Suhms Samling'.
Otte's son Anders Uf was admitted to the University of Greifswald on November 26, 1499 under the name: 'Andreas W de Bornholm'. Previously he had received his education in Lund; on the same day another young commoner-son from Lund was admitted to the university: 'Ticho Nicolai decivitate Lundensi', who received his 'baccalaureus' in 1500.
In the 'testamente' (will) dating from 1511, of an Anders Galen of Lund, Skåne (see: Thiset, Danish State Archives), can be found mention of the two brothers: 'Anders og Peder W.' That Peder and Anders Uf are mentioned 'frænde' and heirs in the 1511 'testamente' (will) of Anders Andersen Galen of Lund (who died in 1522), leads to the conclusion that their mother is the sister of Anders Galen, and thus the daughter of Anders (Tuesen) Galen of Herrestad in Skåne.
After the death of Anders Galen in 1522, his will of 1511 was contested by the children from his sister's first marriage: Jørgen Hals (born circa1464) of Østermarie and his sisters Anne and Else. Evidently Kirsten Galen had eloped with Peder Hals, and her brother Anders refused to recognize the marriage as legitimate, and as a result disinherited her children from that marriage. The case was not settled until 1530, about 18 years later!
That Oluf Ottesen Uf and his sister (Margrethe?) are not mentioned in the will, nor in the court settlement of 1530, naturally brings the conclusion that they are not the children of Kirsten Galen. Rather that they are the children of Otte Pedersen Uf from a second marriage. It is suggested that this second wife's patronym was 'Olufsdatter'; however, I know of no evidence to support this. Possibly it is based on the fact that they had a son named Oluf?
It is also known that Gunhild Uf (wife of Mads Jense Kofoed), Mogens Uf(circa 1500/1505 - 1565), and Hans Olufsen Uf (circa 1510-1574) of Simblegård in Klemensker, are descendants of Otte Pedersen Uf. What is far from certain are which of Otte Pedersen Uf's children are the parents of Gunhild Uf and Mogens Uf. Hans Olufsen Uf is known to be the son of 'Landsdommer' Oluf Ottesen Uf.
Sigvard Mahler Dam states (in 'Landet Borringholm', published in Saxo,1986) that Mogens Uf is the son of Oluf Tuesen and Otte Pedersen Uf's daughter from his second marriage. Also, that Gunhild Uf is the daughter of Hans Olufsen Uf (circa 1510-1574) of Simblegård in Klemensker.
He further states (in 'De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener') that 'Otte W' carried a deviant emblem - and if we did not know any older emblems we might believe that the family had changed from their emblem to Shield and Helmet. Because he used a triangle with cross-bars over the two lower corners - looking like the'sparre' (truss) on a house. Possibly this is just a mistake, or a variation, since some people at that time called a 'sparre' a 'husgavl '(house-gable) or a 'gavl-sparre' (gable-truss).
The first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm's historical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of Hammershus fortress by his mother's brother Niels Joensen, who was Archbishop of Lund from 1361-1379. During a long winter stay at the fortress the Archbishop died on February 5, 1379. Two days previously he had written his testament, wherein he left to Hans Uf his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40 Marks in silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items used during his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings in Listed fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, and which brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent.The Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughter Cecilie, leaving her a gold ring. She was later married three times, all of her husbands were noblemen from Skåne; she outlived them all. During Hans Uf's long term of office he acquired land in the region north-west of Svaneke.
In the middle-ages the peasants had been declared 'vornedskabe' (bound),this meant that the descendants of tenured peasants could be forced to stay on the 'vornedegård' they were working, and it gave the owner of the farms the right to recall a dead peasant's heir to take over working the land. By the 1500s those tenured peasants who lived on manor-owned farms worked off a portion of their taxes by service in the manor'sfields.
The following has been extracted from a translation of the article 'Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse', by Sigvard Mahler Dam, published in SAXO, 1986:
The Unfriendly Ufs
Sometime between 1363, when Jakob Splittaf was commander, and 1379, Archbishop Niels needed to appoint a new commander at Hammershus. Like most people, the archbishop was fond of his own kin, and thus he installed his sister's son: Johannes Uf (47). It is possible Johannes had been serving as an officer under Commander Jakob Splittaf - maybe hehad come to Bornholm as a young man with King Valdermar's men in 1362. Archbishop Niels had grown up in Jylland like his sister, who later married one of the leading estate-owners. Johannes' stated patronym of 1407 tells us that his father was a Lawe Uf. The Ufs are an old soldier-family, and as earlier mentioned his grandfather, 'Johannes dictus Wff', was among the men in 1299 who granted Archbishop Jens Grand free access to København.
Johannes Uf junior must have been away travelling, for in an old tourney-book from the Duchy of Geldern (presently Holland) we find, amongst all the Knights of Europe, a couple of pages with coat-of-arms from the Nordic countries. First a magnificent rendering of King Valdemar's coat-of-arms: 3 blue lions (leoparde) on a golden background decorated with red sea-leaves; as well the royal flag with its white cross on red background. Next pages show the coat-of-arms of King Valdemar's noblemen, who probably accompanied him on his trip to meet with the record-taker and painter of coat-of-arms. Those men included: Henning Putbus, the Count of Rügen and confidant of the king; Mikkel Rud from Skjoldenæsholm estate; Otte Nielsen of the Rosenkrantz-family; and last, far down from the above - so as to emphasize the class difference - can be found the coat-of-arms of 'Joenz U', a red chevron on a white background. One and the same man as the above mentioned Commander Johannes Lawesen Uf, for the family went under the variants of U, W, Uf, Uff, and Ugh. It seems that this coat-of-arms was painted no later than1375, and it fits with our guess that Johannes Uf during this period had been travelling abroad. A couple of years later he appears documented as the commander of Hammershus fortress on Bornholm.
So now the Uf-family enters through the gates of Hammershus fortress, and became active participants in the history of the island for the next two centuries. Archbishop Niels made his 'testamente' (will) while at Hammershus on February 3, 1379 (49), and died shortly afterwards. From it we learn that Johannes had been commander for some time, and that he is married to Marine (possibly a daughter of Peder Munk?), and that they have a small daughter, Cecilie. Since Johannes Uf's son Peter is not mentioned, it must be that he has not been born yet. There are no other children mentioned. Also mentioned is that Johannes Uf had recently had built some buildings in 'Lysta' (the present day fishing village of Listed) as per the wishes of the archbishop, either as a site to gather the 'herring-tenth' (tax) from the fishermen, or for the salting of the fish.
In spite of several new archbishops Johannes kept his posting at Hammershus, and must have lived to an old age. The last time he exercises his office is on January 7, 1407 (50), and we now find that he has an assistant commander, Paul Degn. They are witnesses on the oldest Bornholm deed-document to have survived time's gnawing teeth. The deed concerns the widow of large landowner Peter Hals, one Marine Clawesdatter(Wiltfang?), together with her son 'Ødbj both a farm and a mill. In this document Commander Uf is named as 'Johannes Lawesson', under his name is affixed his seal: the coat-of-arms with a wide chevron as shown in the Geldern tourney-book, and again in1379, had now, in 1407, been exchanged for a modern shield with a narrow chevron (51).
The Uf-Family Estates
A characteristic of the family is that its members were never named in association with their family-farm, as was common with most other Bornholmer families. Furthermore, there are no farms by the name of 'Uf-gård' to be used in pinpointing the family's residence. Such as is the case with the Raabuks at Rabechegård and the Splitz-family with their Splitzgårds (53).
It is not until the 1500s that we encounter their family-farm Simlegård - which farm had never been mentioned previously. It is conveniently situated near Hammershus and is still to this day one of the largest farms on the island. And is close by Klemensker Church, where the family had their own funeral-chamber in the crypt. The abundance of rune-stones in the vicinity bear witness to the fact that in very early times a nobleman's estate had been situated there. Perhaps it is one of the twelve Bornholmer king's-farms told of in the Knytlinge Saga (52). Maybe it was even built by Commander Johannes Uf?
Other traces lead the family to 'Rodne Herret' (Rønne county). A deed-document (54) dated March 29, 1416 shows that 'Splyt væbner paa Bornholm' (a descendant of Commander Jacob Splid) sold a piece of landworth 5 silver Marks in Åby, Nyker parish, to the recently knighted nobleman Peter Bosen, who later became the chief justice of Bornholm. Since it was a piece of land being sold it seems that Peter Bosen then built his family-farm there, maybe the present Åbygård? Near Åby is situated the large, and long established, farm of Vellingsgård, where 'Splyt' could have lived and sold off 5 Marks worth of land. An interesting witness to this sale of land was the commander's son, Peter Uf, now the head of the family. Possibly he and his known sister, Cecilie, had grown up in Nyker parish, which is located near the thriving town of commerce: Rønne. Maybe they spent their childhood at the large freeman's estate of Kyndegård in Nyker.
An ancient silver chalice still rests in Nyker Round-church - on its base is a coat-of-arms with an inscription: 'Fru Cecilia skænkede denne kalk til Alle Halgens Menighed' (Lady Cecilia donated this chalice to All Saints Congregation). The National Museum has dated this chalice to the second half of the 1400s (55), but looking at the shield-design a person may alter-chalice dates back towards the time-period 1390-1420, in that period the shield-design was very round, and later there were alterations.
Commander Johannes Uf was the father of the above mentioned Cecilie, who was mentioned in the archbisphop's will of February 3, 1379: 'Item filieJohannis Uf virgini Cecilie...' Later in an important inheritance proceeding concerning Harebjerg (Hardeberga) manor in Torne county,Skåne, we find that Cecilie was married three times. First married to 'Tue Pethersön', known from 1380, and dead by November 16, 1391. On August 26, 1387 both Johannes Uf and Tue Pedersen of Harebjerg are witnesses in an inheritance proceeding, father-in-law and son-in-law Cecilie and Tue had only one child: a son named 'Pether Tuesön'. Tue left Harebjerg manor to Cecilie to own forever, not to his son - which was allowed in Skåne as long as the gift did not exceed one half of the estate.
Next Cecilie married the well-known Abraham Bordersen's stepson Bent Pik of Roserød (Rossared) mentioned in documents for 1392 to 1407. He had a son from a previous marriage, and had two daughters with Cecilie, named Bodil and Christine. Bent died too, probably soon after 1407. She found her third husband far from Skåne: on island of Fyn! This was to Hr.Harvig Limbek of Nebbe, who had previously been married to Grete Ottesdatter Skinkel of Fyn From that marriage a son Henneke Limbek was born, Cecilie survived her third husband as well, but by then she had enough children to look after her so she never re-married.
On February 21, 1423 she sold some of her inheritance from her second husband, in this document she is referred to as 'Frw Cecilia jens ufsdotther i harabjæghe h. hartwik limbeks efthe løuerne' (Lady Cecilie,Jens Uf's daughter in Hardeberga, Hr. Hartwig Limbek's widow). Her seal shows exactly the same coat-of-arms as is on the chalice in Nyker Church. It is very peculiar that Cecilie, who married two Skåne and one Fyn nobleman, and for most of her life lived at Hardeberga manor near Lund in Skåne, would donate such a silver chalice to a small church on Bornholm. Why not to Lund Cathedral, where all the members of the congregation could be reminded of her generosity every time they took communion at the Altar? The answer must be that Nyker county is where she grew up. The donation took place after she was married, any time after 1387, but what were the circumstances? Was it a present given by her at her first wedding in Nyker Church? However, it was not generally the custom for brides to donate gifts on their wedding day. Could it be a gift to commemorate the soul of her first husband, who loved her so dearly that he gave her the family manor to own for life? Though wouldn't she donate the chalice to his parish church in Lund, where no doubt he was buried? The most likely scenario seems to be that she donated the chalice to commemorate her father after his death. A father by whose name she is always remembered, never mind all the noblemen she later married. Jens Uf was an important man, he was remembered for many years. Even a hundred years after her birth, in 1479 when the Hardeberga inheritance was before the king's court in København, she was remembered as 'Cecilie Jens Hwss Datter i Harebergh gård'.
The Uf Male-Line
A great span of time follows the March 23, 1416 document in which time Peder Uf, then between 30-35 years old, acted as a witness at a land-transaction in Nyker. It is not until 1493 that his son 'Otte Pedersen Wff' appears in the Bornholmer records, as an older man with adult sons from two marriages. Where have they been during that time? The records are silent, and a person is prone to provide a reason for the gap in the documentation, for there should not be so few entries for a man with such an occupation. He should be found mentioned in the island's written documents rather more frequently, this was quite prevalent with other Bornholmer families (57).
Above it was suggested that Peter Uf might have been married to a woman from Fyn, and an odd occurance of chance supports this hypothesis. In the first half of the 1400s a Tue Pedersen lost his seal in Nørrekås Harbour, north of Rønne; which was recovered in a later century. He is not the Tue Pethersön of the Rani family, which we know had Harebjerg manor, for his coat-of-arms displays the Bild/Strangesen's transversed shield - therefore of the same family as the Archbishop Niels Joensen, Johannes Ufs mother's brother. His father may be Peder Strangesen. The latter's brother lived only on Fyn: Otte Strangesen recorded in 1377 and 1397. Possibly Tue Pedersen came to Bornholm looking to found kinship, and stood at the gunwale of the ship and fumbled with his seal, so it fell into the sea? Was Peter Uf married to Otte Strangesen's daughter, and so came the name Otte in this way into the Uf-family? A name which otherwise was entirely unknown on Bornholm in that social circle. Did the family move to Fyn after this marriage, allowing their adscript peasants to run their Bornholmer farms? Was Cecilie Uf visiting her brother Peter Uf after her second husband's death, and while there she met Hr. Hartvig Limbek, her third husband? Is this the reason for the relative lack on Bornholm of written documents mentioning Peder Uf?
Otte Uf's his first marriage was with a widow of Skåne origin, namely Anders Galen's daughter from Skåne, and perhaps it is this connection that eventually brought him back to Bornholm. Their two sons inherited from their mother's brother, Anders Galen the younger, who died childless in Lund in 1522 - he had written a will in 1511 (58), where his heirs are mentioned: 'Mister Peder W, Cannik in Lund, my dear Relative... . Item my dear Relative Anders W.'
Cheated Heirs
Otte Uf's wife had previously been married to a Bornholmer, and that is how she came to live on Bornholm. It appears that she had run away with esquire Peder Hals against the wishes of her family, for Anders Galen in Lund refused to acknowledge her children from her first marriage! She had at least three children (1 son and 2 daughters) when she married Otte Uf. Anders Galen's will caused great controversy and the probate proceedings took 21 years to be finalized! Otte's first wife died around1480 and he married for the second time to an unnamed daughter of Oluf (any evidence for this? - Norman Madsen), and they had a son, Oluf Ottesen, and a daughter, who became the founder of the second Bornholm Uf-family line. The youngest son, Oluf Ottesen appears as a witness in a document from 1497 and borrows his father's seal (there are two identical seals on the document), so he must have been very young. Oluf and his sister were not named in Anders Galen's will of 1511, so therefore their mother is not his sister.
The freeman Jørgen Hals of Østermarie and his two sisters felt cheated when they were read Anders Galen's will, in which they figured only thus:
'Item Jørgen Hals X Mark, 1 wpret Segn, 1 Gryde, Anne Jørgen Halses Søster ligeledes, meth saadan Skell, ath the skwlle ey ydherre begære at hærffwe mig.'
From the choice of above words we can see there was no love lost between Anders Galen and the Hals-family. He even forgot to include the other sister! Did he not wish to acknowledge the relationship? Is it that at the time they were not the best of friends, or was there a more sinister reason? Why acknowledge the two Uf children, and not the three older Hals? A clue can be found in the following declaration given by the Commander of Hammershus in 1522 (59):
'Jag Niels Jiebsen (Bryske)... gør vitterligt for alle med dette mit obne Breff, at denne Breffwisere J hafwer end disse fornævnte...'
(Which modernized reads in English approximately as follows)
'I, Niels Ibsen (Bryske)... . declare to all by means of this openLetter that the Plaintiff Jørgen Hals is Anders Galen's - who died inLund... . rightful Sister's son, as are his two Sisters whom the aforementioned Jørgen Hals has in Bornholm, and I have inquired about thetruth that the aforementioned Anders Galen has no closer heirs than the aforementioned...'
This was not considered to be sufficient proof, perhaps the commander was not considered to be a knowledgeable enough witness, since he had not been on Bornholm very long and could not have known of the details first hand, he must have had to ask around. Therefore the case was put before the 'Landsting' (Senate) in Åkirkeby on May 22, 1522. The details were discussed, witnesses were heard, and finally a document was drawn up and sealed by the most important officials on Bornholm: 1) the Commander of Hammershus, Niels Ibsen; 2) Jørgen Hals' step-brother Chief Justice Oluf Ottesen (Uf); 3) Jørgen Gagge, who had been made a freeman 20 years previously and was an illegitimate born member of the Gagge-family of Skåne; 4) Hans Borgeby of Bierregård; 5) Anders Kos in Ibsker parish (of Kåsegård); 6) and the invaders from Lübeck, Peder Kofoed, 7) and Morten Lassen, both mayors in Rønne; 8) Lauritz Jul from an old an distinguished family and a bailiff in Østermarie parish; 9) Hans Pedersen from the same parish, who later married Jørgen Hals daughter; 10) and finally the document was signed by the bailiff for Åker parish, Peder Munck. The document reads as follows (60):
'...wor skicket for os och for menige Almue... beskenden mand JørgenHals, hvilken gik frem... och bespurgte sig om det var dem vitterligt,om han og hans søskende er ægte og rette fødte baade af fader och moder,og om det var dem vitterligt at de hørte Anders Gallen til der døde i Lund, Gud naade hans sjæl, eller om de burde staa i arv efter samme Anders Gallen for ægtheds skyld, og arve ham deres døde frænde og slægtning som loven udviser som er ægte og rette baade af fader og moder. Der tilsvarede alle mænd som deraf vidste og bad dem Gud til hjælp, at de ikke andet vidste med fornævnte Jørgen Hals og hans syskende end at de er ægte og ægtefødte og bør saavel arve deres del efter fornævnte Anders Gallen med lige og rette saa meget som dem rettelig kan tilfalde efter loven.'
This document finally saw the heirs receive more than the 10 Mark and a fully made-up bed! They received estate-property in Hyltebierg (Hylteberga, Skurup parish, Vemmenhög district) in Skåne, to be divided into three parts. A deed dated July 2, 1523 documents (61) that Jørgen Hals, and his nephew Alex Poulsen, and Alex's brother-in-law Oluf Due of Østermarie, sold their inheritance to Mourids Jepsön (Sparre) of Skurup -namely four farmsteads, with the request that he yearly supplies the clergyman in Skurup with 1 Skilling worth of 'grot' (produce?) for the souls of their parents. The sister Else did not sell her portion of the property, maybe she moved there, as after 1530 there is no mention of her.
The inheritance case was not quite over with! After the above mentioned sale of property, maybe from around 1530 there is another document. The clergymen Hr. Hans for Østermarie and Hr. Hans for Vestermarie attest that Jørgen Hals, Poul Olsen's wife Anne, and Ødbern's wife Else are the legitimate heirs of Anders Galen, and that he was the true brother of their mother. The clergymen along with several other good Danes swear on their Soul's Holiness that the above heirs had received no more property than that in Hyltebierg after Anders Galen. Next we learn that Hr. Skelm (Gyldenstjerne) was the dean of the clergy on Bornholm when Jørgen Hals and his two sisters were born and christened; he died in Lund and had been born in Blekinge. He had resided at Spidlegård in Åker parish when he was the Dean for Bornholm.
We have no further information on Jørgen Hals affairs, so he had probably passed away and his heirs might have needed the above document attesting to their legitimacy. Maybe the document relates to Jørgen Hals widow, Anna, who from 1533 through 1537 was involved in a legal dispute with the heirs of her second husband. The clergymen from Østermarie - Jørgen Hals home parish - and from Vestermarie, where Anna had her property, were involved as witnesses in the court case.
Skirmishes Between Otte Persen's Heirs
Throughout history inheritance cases have occupied many families and given cause for much disappointment and even split some families into feuding amongst themselves endlessly, as well as providing interesting conversational fodder for those not directly involved. Not only did Otte Uf's stepchildren fight, but his own descendants kept on fighting over their inheritance for 40 years after his death! It might have something to do with a peculiar aspect of the Uf-family: with his children the family divided into three parts. The first branch did not make an important mark, as it died away quickly, namely the earlier mentioned older sons Anders Uf, married to Anna, daughter of Chief Justice Sevid Nielsen (incorrect, Anna was married to another Anders Uf, possibly brother of Otte Pedersen Uf? - Norman Madsen), and the Canon Peder Uf in Lund. Traditionally a Jesper/Esbern Uf appears in the family tree as a son of Anders Uf. However this is doubtful since he was killed 1565 in the battle of Svarteå, while in Hak Holgersøn's company, during the Nordic Seven Years War. He was most likely a young nobleman, and could not possibly have been a son of Anders Uf who must have already been 45 years old in 1511 when he inherited from his mother's brother (63). (Meaning that Jesper/Esbern Uf was born circa 1540-45, and Anders Uf would have been at least 70 years old in 1540 - Norman Madsen.)
The second branch, the main branch, was continued through the youngest son, Chief Justice Oluf Ottensen, who rejected the family name Uf, and his descendants were known only by their patronym. We will refer to them under the name 'Sparre-Uf' after their coat-of-arms.
The third branch was also rather short-lived, but made an indelible mark due to the fiery temperament of its members. This branch we will call 'Agern-Uf' after their coat-of-arms, and it originates from the daughter of Otte Pedersen Uf who married the Bornholmer freeman Oluf Tuesen. Her son adopted the Uf-family name.
The respected Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann (published in 1931) relates that Otte Pedersen Uf can be found mentioned in records dating from 1493 and 1497 in which he is mentioned as the owner of Skovsholm in Ibsker parish; and that it is thought that his wife was a member of the Galen family. They are attributed as having had at least four children:
1) Oluf Ottesen, Chief Justice (Landsdommer) of Bornholm from 1508 to 1522;
2) Peder Uf, 'Kannik' in Skåne, 1505;
3) Anders Uf, mentioned as 'frænde' to Anders Galen in 1511, and known to have been alive in 1533;
4) a daughter, given name unknown, married to Oluf Tuesen.
Dr. Zarthmann attributes Gunhild Uf to be the 'datterdatter' of Otte Pedersen Uf, thus making her the daugher of Oluf Tuesen and the unkown Uf daughter. While in '1000 Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt', by Edvard Skovgård, Gunhild Uf is attributed to be the daughter of Anders Uf and Anne Sevidsdatter of St. Kannikegård in Bodilsker parish; in 1449, as a wedding present from her father Sevid Nielsen, they were given the ownership of St. Kannikegård. This would mean that Edvard Skovgård's Anders Uf must have been at least 25 years old in 1449 (25 was the age at which a man could own land in that era), and thus born before 1426. If he was the same Anders Uf who was 'frænde' to Anders Galen in 1511, then he would have been at least 107 years old in 1533.
It is probable that Edvard Skovgård has mistakenly attributed Anders Uf, the son of Otte Pedersen Uf, to be the same person as Anders Uf of St. Kannikegård. It has also been presented that Gunhild Uf and her brothers are the children of Otte Pedersen Uf's son Anders Uf, rather than that of his daughter and her husband Oluf Tuesen.
Edvard Skovgård has lain out an ancestry for Anders Uf, of St. Kannikegård, that leads back to the first King of a united Danmark: Gorm den Gamle and his wife Thyra Dannebod. History says that Thyra was the descendant of a long line of Kings in England, dating back to 400 A.D. It is an accepted fact that the present Queen of Danmark, Margrethe II, is a descendant of King Gorm; that all of the Danish royalty since then have numbered among his descendants. And thus through inter-marriage many of Europe's royal families, including the British, are his descendants.
Edvard Skovgård states that Anders Uf was the son of Otte Pedersen Uf (?- after 1497) and ??? Galen. That ??? Galen was the daughter of Tuve (Tue) Galen (before 1320-after 1400) of Næsbyholm in Skåne, who in 1345 was made a Knight (Ridder), in 1364 Marschall, and from 1376-83 was 'Gældker' (Treasurer?); he married Ingefred Pedersdatter Urup on April 15, 1345. She was the daughter of Peder Holmgersen Urup (?- 1378), who is a decendant of Cecilie - a daughter of King Knud (Canute) the Holy (who was a gr-gr-gr-grandson of Gorm the Elder).
Edvard Skovgård states they had five children. While in the book 'Nachkommen Gorms des Alten' (Descendants of Gorm) by Siegfried Otto Brenner (published in 1978 by the Danish Genealogy Society), Tuve Galen is said to be a descendant of Gorm, it does not list ??? Galen. He is recorded in that book as having four children: Anders Galen (?-after 1399); Peder Galen (?-after 1400); Ingefred Tuvesdatter Galen (?-1396) married to Johannes Absalonsen Ulfeldt (?- 1396); and ??? Tuvesdatter Galen married to Conrad Isenvorde (Isenfurt) (?-1396/97), esquire in Skåne. It does NOT list a fifth child: the un-named Galen daughter married to Otte Pedersen Uf.
I have not included Edvard Skovgård's lineage of the Uf family in this database for the simple reason I found the dates and connections to be rather suspect. Working with those dates that were provided I found that the un-named Galen woman must have been born between 1345 and 1380 (at the very latest!). As Edvard Skovgård's Anders Uf was alive in 1533, it is doubtful that he was born before 1426. Given a limit to a woman's child-bearing years, by this calculation she could not (by any stretch of the imagination) have given birth to a child past 1430. This would mean that Anders Uf would have had to have lived to at least 105 years old, and have been fathering children at 70-80 years old. Also, since Otte Pedersen Uf was still alive in 1497, it is doubtful he was born before 1400. Meaning that Otte Pedersen Uf, at 20-30, would have been married to woman at least 20- 30 years older than himself. This whole senario is remotely possible, but highly unlikely!
The Anders Uf of St. Kannikegård was a nobleman (adelsmand) and is described as a 'Storbonde'; I am not sure of the word's exact meaning, however: stor=great and bonde=farmer, so I suspect it means he was the holder of large amounts of land farmed by 'vornedskabe' peasants.
In the middle-ages the peasants had been declared 'vornedskabe' (bound), this meant that the descendants of tenured peasants could be forced to stay on the 'vornedegård' they were working, and it gave the owner of the farms the right to recall a dead peasant's heir to take over working the land.
By the 1500s those tenured peasants who lived on manor-owned farms worked off a portion of their taxes by service in the manor's fields. That said, it is still possible that the Uf-family of Bornholm is descended from Gorm; being as that they were of minor Danish nobility, and on account of the nobility's tendancy to inter-marry amongst themselves. They seem to have been connected to families, (i.e. the Galen- family) known to be descended from Gorm; however, the possible connection is far from certain and will probably remain that way!
The first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm's historical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of Hammershus fortress by his mother's brother Niels Jonsen, who was Archbishop of Lund from 1361-1379.
During a long winter stay at the fortress the Archbishop died on February 5, 1379. Two days previously he had written his testament, wherein he left to Hans Uf his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40 Marks in silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items used during his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings in Listed fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, and which brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent.
During Hans Uf's long term of office he acquired land in the region north-west of Svaneke. The Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughter Cecilie, leaving her a gold ring. She was later married three times, all of her husbands were noblemen from Skåne. She outlived them all and in 1427 she bestowed a gilded silver-chalice to Nyker Church, which is still in use, it bears the Uf-family coat-of-arms - with its characteristic truss (sparren) - and the inscription: 'Madame Cecilie gave this chalice to All-Saints Church, pray for my soul.' This indicates that the Uf-family had a home-farm in Nyker parish.
Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann (published in 1931) relates that Otte Pedersen Uf can be found mentioned in records dating from 1493 and1497 in which he is mentioned as the owner of the 'proprietairgård' Skovsholm in Ibsker parish. He also owned Simblegård, proprietairgård in Klemensker parish. The document of 1493 which mentions 'Otte Wff' can befound in 'Den Arnamagnæanske Samling' published in København. It is also printed in 'Suhms Samling'.
Otte's son Anders Uf was admitted to the University of Greifswald on November 26, 1499 under the name: 'Andreas W de Bornholm'. Previously he had received his education in Lund; on the same day another young commoner-son from Lund was admitted to the university: 'Ticho Nicolai decivitate Lundensi', who received his 'baccalaureus' in 1500.
In the 'testamente' (will) dating from 1511, of an Anders Galen of Lund, Skåne (see: Thiset, Danish State Archives), can be found mention of the two brothers: 'Anders og Peder W.' That Peder and Anders Uf are mentioned 'frænde' and heirs in the 1511 'testamente' (will) of Anders Andersen Galen of Lund (who died in 1522), leads to the conclusion that their mother is the sister of Anders Galen, and thus the daughter of Anders (Tuesen) Galen of Herrestad in Skåne.
After the death of Anders Galen in 1522, his will of 1511 was contested by the children from his sister's first marriage: Jørgen Hals (born circa1464) of Østermarie and his sisters Anne and Else. Evidently Kirsten Galen had eloped with Peder Hals, and her brother Anders refused to recognize the marriage as legitimate, and as a result disinherited her children from that marriage. The case was not settled until 1530, about 18 years later!
That Oluf Ottesen Uf and his sister (Margrethe?) are not mentioned in the will, nor in the court settlement of 1530, naturally brings the conclusion that they are not the children of Kirsten Galen. Rather that they are the children of Otte Pedersen Uf from a second marriage. It is suggested that this second wife's patronym was 'Olufsdatter'; however, I know of no evidence to support this. Possibly it is based on the fact that they had a son named Oluf?
It is also known that Gunhild Uf (wife of Mads Jense Kofoed), Mogens Uf(circa 1500/1505 - 1565), and Hans Olufsen Uf (circa 1510-1574) of Simblegård in Klemensker, are descendants of Otte Pedersen Uf. What is far from certain are which of Otte Pedersen Uf's children are the parents of Gunhild Uf and Mogens Uf. Hans Olufsen Uf is known to be the son of 'Landsdommer' Oluf Ottesen Uf.
Sigvard Mahler Dam states (in 'Landet Borringholm', published in Saxo,1986) that Mogens Uf is the son of Oluf Tuesen and Otte Pedersen Uf's daughter from his second marriage. Also, that Gunhild Uf is the daughter of Hans Olufsen Uf (circa 1510-1574) of Simblegård in Klemensker.
He further states (in 'De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener') that 'Otte W' carried a deviant emblem - and if we did not know any older emblems we might believe that the family had changed from their emblem to Shield and Helmet. Because he used a triangle with cross-bars over the two lower corners - looking like the'sparre' (truss) on a house. Possibly this is just a mistake, or a variation, since some people at that time called a 'sparre' a 'husgavl '(house-gable) or a 'gavl-sparre' (gable-truss).
The first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm's historical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of Hammershus fortress by his mother's brother Niels Joensen, who was Archbishop of Lund from 1361-1379. During a long winter stay at the fortress the Archbishop died on February 5, 1379. Two days previously he had written his testament, wherein he left to Hans Uf his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40 Marks in silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items used during his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings in Listed fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, and which brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent.The Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughter Cecilie, leaving her a gold ring. She was later married three times, all of her husbands were noblemen from Skåne; she outlived them all. During Hans Uf's long term of office he acquired land in the region north-west of Svaneke.
In the middle-ages the peasants had been declared 'vornedskabe' (bound),this meant that the descendants of tenured peasants could be forced to stay on the 'vornedegård' they were working, and it gave the owner of the farms the right to recall a dead peasant's heir to take over working the land. By the 1500s those tenured peasants who lived on manor-owned farms worked off a portion of their taxes by service in the manor'sfields.
The following has been extracted from a translation of the article 'Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse', by Sigvard Mahler Dam, published in SAXO, 1986:
The Unfriendly Ufs
Sometime between 1363, when Jakob Splittaf was commander, and 1379, Archbishop Niels needed to appoint a new commander at Hammershus. Like most people, the archbishop was fond of his own kin, and thus he installed his sister's son: Johannes Uf (47). It is possible Johannes had been serving as an officer under Commander Jakob Splittaf - maybe hehad come to Bornholm as a young man with King Valdermar's men in 1362. Archbishop Niels had grown up in Jylland like his sister, who later married one of the leading estate-owners. Johannes' stated patronym of 1407 tells us that his father was a Lawe Uf. The Ufs are an old soldier-family, and as earlier mentioned his grandfather, 'Johannes dictus Wff', was among the men in 1299 who granted Archbishop Jens Grand free access to København.
Johannes Uf junior must have been away travelling, for in an old tourney-book from the Duchy of Geldern (presently Holland) we find, amongst all the Knights of Europe, a couple of pages with coat-of-arms from the Nordic countries. First a magnificent rendering of King Valdemar's coat-of-arms: 3 blue lions (leoparde) on a golden background decorated with red sea-leaves; as well the royal flag with its white cross on red background. Next pages show the coat-of-arms of King Valdemar's noblemen, who probably accompanied him on his trip to meet with the record-taker and painter of coat-of-arms. Those men included: Henning Putbus, the Count of Rügen and confidant of the king; Mikkel Rud from Skjoldenæsholm estate; Otte Nielsen of the Rosenkrantz-family; and last, far down from the above - so as to emphasize the class difference - can be found the coat-of-arms of 'Joenz U', a red chevron on a white background. One and the same man as the above mentioned Commander Johannes Lawesen Uf, for the family went under the variants of U, W, Uf, Uff, and Ugh. It seems that this coat-of-arms was painted no later than1375, and it fits with our guess that Johannes Uf during this period had been travelling abroad. A couple of years later he appears documented as the commander of Hammershus fortress on Bornholm.
So now the Uf-family enters through the gates of Hammershus fortress, and became active participants in the history of the island for the next two centuries. Archbishop Niels made his 'testamente' (will) while at Hammershus on February 3, 1379 (49), and died shortly afterwards. From it we learn that Johannes had been commander for some time, and that he is married to Marine (possibly a daughter of Peder Munk?), and that they have a small daughter, Cecilie. Since Johannes Uf's son Peter is not mentioned, it must be that he has not been born yet. There are no other children mentioned. Also mentioned is that Johannes Uf had recently had built some buildings in 'Lysta' (the present day fishing village of Listed) as per the wishes of the archbishop, either as a site to gather the 'herring-tenth' (tax) from the fishermen, or for the salting of the fish.
In spite of several new archbishops Johannes kept his posting at Hammershus, and must have lived to an old age. The last time he exercises his office is on January 7, 1407 (50), and we now find that he has an assistant commander, Paul Degn. They are witnesses on the oldest Bornholm deed-document to have survived time's gnawing teeth. The deed concerns the widow of large landowner Peter Hals, one Marine Clawesdatter(Wiltfang?), together with her son 'Ødbj both a farm and a mill. In this document Commander Uf is named as 'Johannes Lawesson', under his name is affixed his seal: the coat-of-arms with a wide chevron as shown in the Geldern tourney-book, and again in1379, had now, in 1407, been exchanged for a modern shield with a narrow chevron (51).
The Uf-Family Estates
A characteristic of the family is that its members were never named in association with their family-farm, as was common with most other Bornholmer families. Furthermore, there are no farms by the name of 'Uf-gård' to be used in pinpointing the family's residence. Such as is the case with the Raabuks at Rabechegård and the Splitz-family with their Splitzgårds (53).
It is not until the 1500s that we encounter their family-farm Simlegård - which farm had never been mentioned previously. It is conveniently situated near Hammershus and is still to this day one of the largest farms on the island. And is close by Klemensker Church, where the family had their own funeral-chamber in the crypt. The abundance of rune-stones in the vicinity bear witness to the fact that in very early times a nobleman's estate had been situated there. Perhaps it is one of the twelve Bornholmer king's-farms told of in the Knytlinge Saga (52). Maybe it was even built by Commander Johannes Uf?
Other traces lead the family to 'Rodne Herret' (Rønne county). A deed-document (54) dated March 29, 1416 shows that 'Splyt væbner paa Bornholm' (a descendant of Commander Jacob Splid) sold a piece of landworth 5 silver Marks in Åby, Nyker parish, to the recently knighted nobleman Peter Bosen, who later became the chief justice of Bornholm. Since it was a piece of land being sold it seems that Peter Bosen then built his family-farm there, maybe the present Åbygård? Near Åby is situated the large, and long established, farm of Vellingsgård, where 'Splyt' could have lived and sold off 5 Marks worth of land. An interesting witness to this sale of land was the commander's son, Peter Uf, now the head of the family. Possibly he and his known sister, Cecilie, had grown up in Nyker parish, which is located near the thriving town of commerce: Rønne. Maybe they spent their childhood at the large freeman's estate of Kyndegård in Nyker.
An ancient silver chalice still rests in Nyker Round-church - on its base is a coat-of-arms with an inscription: 'Fru Cecilia skænkede denne kalk til Alle Halgens Menighed' (Lady Cecilia donated this chalice to All Saints Congregation). The National Museum has dated this chalice to the second half of the 1400s (55), but looking at the shield-design a person may alter-chalice dates back towards the time-period 1390-1420, in that period the shield-design was very round, and later there were alterations.
Commander Johannes Uf was the father of the above mentioned Cecilie, who was mentioned in the archbisphop's will of February 3, 1379: 'Item filieJohannis Uf virgini Cecilie...' Later in an important inheritance proceeding concerning Harebjerg (Hardeberga) manor in Torne county,Skåne, we find that Cecilie was married three times. First married to 'Tue Pethersön', known from 1380, and dead by November 16, 1391. On August 26, 1387 both Johannes Uf and Tue Pedersen of Harebjerg are witnesses in an inheritance proceeding, father-in-law and son-in-law Cecilie and Tue had only one child: a son named 'Pether Tuesön'. Tue left Harebjerg manor to Cecilie to own forever, not to his son - which was allowed in Skåne as long as the gift did not exceed one half of the estate.
Next Cecilie married the well-known Abraham Bordersen's stepson Bent Pik of Roserød (Rossared) mentioned in documents for 1392 to 1407. He had a son from a previous marriage, and had two daughters with Cecilie, named Bodil and Christine. Bent died too, probably soon after 1407. She found her third husband far from Skåne: on island of Fyn! This was to Hr.Harvig Limbek of Nebbe, who had previously been married to Grete Ottesdatter Skinkel of Fyn From that marriage a son Henneke Limbek was born, Cecilie survived her third husband as well, but by then she had enough children to look after her so she never re-married.
On February 21, 1423 she sold some of her inheritance from her second husband, in this document she is referred to as 'Frw Cecilia jens ufsdotther i harabjæghe h. hartwik limbeks efthe løuerne' (Lady Cecilie,Jens Uf's daughter in Hardeberga, Hr. Hartwig Limbek's widow). Her seal shows exactly the same coat-of-arms as is on the chalice in Nyker Church. It is very peculiar that Cecilie, who married two Skåne and one Fyn nobleman, and for most of her life lived at Hardeberga manor near Lund in Skåne, would donate such a silver chalice to a small church on Bornholm. Why not to Lund Cathedral, where all the members of the congregation could be reminded of her generosity every time they took communion at the Altar? The answer must be that Nyker county is where she grew up. The donation took place after she was married, any time after 1387, but what were the circumstances? Was it a present given by her at her first wedding in Nyker Church? However, it was not generally the custom for brides to donate gifts on their wedding day. Could it be a gift to commemorate the soul of her first husband, who loved her so dearly that he gave her the family manor to own for life? Though wouldn't she donate the chalice to his parish church in Lund, where no doubt he was buried? The most likely scenario seems to be that she donated the chalice to commemorate her father after his death. A father by whose name she is always remembered, never mind all the noblemen she later married. Jens Uf was an important man, he was remembered for many years. Even a hundred years after her birth, in 1479 when the Hardeberga inheritance was before the king's court in København, she was remembered as 'Cecilie Jens Hwss Datter i Harebergh gård'.
The Uf Male-Line
A great span of time follows the March 23, 1416 document in which time Peder Uf, then between 30-35 years old, acted as a witness at a land-transaction in Nyker. It is not until 1493 that his son 'Otte Pedersen Wff' appears in the Bornholmer records, as an older man with adult sons from two marriages. Where have they been during that time? The records are silent, and a person is prone to provide a reason for the gap in the documentation, for there should not be so few entries for a man with such an occupation. He should be found mentioned in the island's written documents rather more frequently, this was quite prevalent with other Bornholmer families (57).
Above it was suggested that Peter Uf might have been married to a woman from Fyn, and an odd occurance of chance supports this hypothesis. In the first half of the 1400s a Tue Pedersen lost his seal in Nørrekås Harbour, north of Rønne; which was recovered in a later century. He is not the Tue Pethersön of the Rani family, which we know had Harebjerg manor, for his coat-of-arms displays the Bild/Strangesen's transversed shield - therefore of the same family as the Archbishop Niels Joensen, Johannes Ufs mother's brother. His father may be Peder Strangesen. The latter's brother lived only on Fyn: Otte Strangesen recorded in 1377 and 1397. Possibly Tue Pedersen came to Bornholm looking to found kinship, and stood at the gunwale of the ship and fumbled with his seal, so it fell into the sea? Was Peter Uf married to Otte Strangesen's daughter, and so came the name Otte in this way into the Uf-family? A name which otherwise was entirely unknown on Bornholm in that social circle. Did the family move to Fyn after this marriage, allowing their adscript peasants to run their Bornholmer farms? Was Cecilie Uf visiting her brother Peter Uf after her second husband's death, and while there she met Hr. Hartvig Limbek, her third husband? Is this the reason for the relative lack on Bornholm of written documents mentioning Peder Uf?
Otte Uf's his first marriage was with a widow of Skåne origin, namely Anders Galen's daughter from Skåne, and perhaps it is this connection that eventually brought him back to Bornholm. Their two sons inherited from their mother's brother, Anders Galen the younger, who died childless in Lund in 1522 - he had written a will in 1511 (58), where his heirs are mentioned: 'Mister Peder W, Cannik in Lund, my dear Relative... . Item my dear Relative Anders W.'
Cheated Heirs
Otte Uf's wife had previously been married to a Bornholmer, and that is how she came to live on Bornholm. It appears that she had run away with esquire Peder Hals against the wishes of her family, for Anders Galen in Lund refused to acknowledge her children from her first marriage! She had at least three children (1 son and 2 daughters) when she married Otte Uf. Anders Galen's will caused great controversy and the probate proceedings took 21 years to be finalized! Otte's first wife died around1480 and he married for the second time to an unnamed daughter of Oluf (any evidence for this? - Norman Madsen), and they had a son, Oluf Ottesen, and a daughter, who became the founder of the second Bornholm Uf-family line. The youngest son, Oluf Ottesen appears as a witness in a document from 1497 and borrows his father's seal (there are two identical seals on the document), so he must have been very young. Oluf and his sister were not named in Anders Galen's will of 1511, so therefore their mother is not his sister.
The freeman Jørgen Hals of Østermarie and his two sisters felt cheated when they were read Anders Galen's will, in which they figured only thus:
'Item Jørgen Hals X Mark, 1 wpret Segn, 1 Gryde, Anne Jørgen Halses Søster ligeledes, meth saadan Skell, ath the skwlle ey ydherre begære at hærffwe mig.'
From the choice of above words we can see there was no love lost between Anders Galen and the Hals-family. He even forgot to include the other sister! Did he not wish to acknowledge the relationship? Is it that at the time they were not the best of friends, or was there a more sinister reason? Why acknowledge the two Uf children, and not the three older Hals? A clue can be found in the following declaration given by the Commander of Hammershus in 1522 (59):
'Jag Niels Jiebsen (Bryske)... gør vitterligt for alle med dette mit obne Breff, at denne Breffwisere J hafwer end disse fornævnte...'
(Which modernized reads in English approximately as follows)
'I, Niels Ibsen (Bryske)... . declare to all by means of this openLetter that the Plaintiff Jørgen Hals is Anders Galen's - who died inLund... . rightful Sister's son, as are his two Sisters whom the aforementioned Jørgen Hals has in Bornholm, and I have inquired about thetruth that the aforementioned Anders Galen has no closer heirs than the aforementioned...'
This was not considered to be sufficient proof, perhaps the commander was not considered to be a knowledgeable enough witness, since he had not been on Bornholm very long and could not have known of the details first hand, he must have had to ask around. Therefore the case was put before the 'Landsting' (Senate) in Åkirkeby on May 22, 1522. The details were discussed, witnesses were heard, and finally a document was drawn up and sealed by the most important officials on Bornholm: 1) the Commander of Hammershus, Niels Ibsen; 2) Jørgen Hals' step-brother Chief Justice Oluf Ottesen (Uf); 3) Jørgen Gagge, who had been made a freeman 20 years previously and was an illegitimate born member of the Gagge-family of Skåne; 4) Hans Borgeby of Bierregård; 5) Anders Kos in Ibsker parish (of Kåsegård); 6) and the invaders from Lübeck, Peder Kofoed, 7) and Morten Lassen, both mayors in Rønne; 8) Lauritz Jul from an old an distinguished family and a bailiff in Østermarie parish; 9) Hans Pedersen from the same parish, who later married Jørgen Hals daughter; 10) and finally the document was signed by the bailiff for Åker parish, Peder Munck. The document reads as follows (60):
'...wor skicket for os och for menige Almue... beskenden mand JørgenHals, hvilken gik frem... och bespurgte sig om det var dem vitterligt,om han og hans søskende er ægte og rette fødte baade af fader och moder,og om det var dem vitterligt at de hørte Anders Gallen til der døde i Lund, Gud naade hans sjæl, eller om de burde staa i arv efter samme Anders Gallen for ægtheds skyld, og arve ham deres døde frænde og slægtning som loven udviser som er ægte og rette baade af fader og moder. Der tilsvarede alle mænd som deraf vidste og bad dem Gud til hjælp, at de ikke andet vidste med fornævnte Jørgen Hals og hans syskende end at de er ægte og ægtefødte og bør saavel arve deres del efter fornævnte Anders Gallen med lige og rette saa meget som dem rettelig kan tilfalde efter loven.'
This document finally saw the heirs receive more than the 10 Mark and a fully made-up bed! They received estate-property in Hyltebierg (Hylteberga, Skurup parish, Vemmenhög district) in Skåne, to be divided into three parts. A deed dated July 2, 1523 documents (61) that Jørgen Hals, and his nephew Alex Poulsen, and Alex's brother-in-law Oluf Due of Østermarie, sold their inheritance to Mourids Jepsön (Sparre) of Skurup -namely four farmsteads, with the request that he yearly supplies the clergyman in Skurup with 1 Skilling worth of 'grot' (produce?) for the souls of their parents. The sister Else did not sell her portion of the property, maybe she moved there, as after 1530 there is no mention of her.
The inheritance case was not quite over with! After the above mentioned sale of property, maybe from around 1530 there is another document. The clergymen Hr. Hans for Østermarie and Hr. Hans for Vestermarie attest that Jørgen Hals, Poul Olsen's wife Anne, and Ødbern's wife Else are the legitimate heirs of Anders Galen, and that he was the true brother of their mother. The clergymen along with several other good Danes swear on their Soul's Holiness that the above heirs had received no more property than that in Hyltebierg after Anders Galen. Next we learn that Hr. Skelm (Gyldenstjerne) was the dean of the clergy on Bornholm when Jørgen Hals and his two sisters were born and christened; he died in Lund and had been born in Blekinge. He had resided at Spidlegård in Åker parish when he was the Dean for Bornholm.
We have no further information on Jørgen Hals affairs, so he had probably passed away and his heirs might have needed the above document attesting to their legitimacy. Maybe the document relates to Jørgen Hals widow, Anna, who from 1533 through 1537 was involved in a legal dispute with the heirs of her second husband. The clergymen from Østermarie - Jørgen Hals home parish - and from Vestermarie, where Anna had her property, were involved as witnesses in the court case.
Skirmishes Between Otte Persen's Heirs
Throughout history inheritance cases have occupied many families and given cause for much disappointment and even split some families into feuding amongst themselves endlessly, as well as providing interesting conversational fodder for those not directly involved. Not only did Otte Uf's stepchildren fight, but his own descendants kept on fighting over their inheritance for 40 years after his death! It might have something to do with a peculiar aspect of the Uf-family: with his children the family divided into three parts. The first branch did not make an important mark, as it died away quickly, namely the earlier mentioned older sons Anders Uf, married to Anna, daughter of Chief Justice Sevid Nielsen (incorrect, Anna was married to another Anders Uf, possibly brother of Otte Pedersen Uf? - Norman Madsen), and the Canon Peder Uf in Lund. Traditionally a Jesper/Esbern Uf appears in the family tree as a son of Anders Uf. However this is doubtful since he was killed 1565 in the battle of Svarteå, while in Hak Holgersøn's company, during the Nordic Seven Years War. He was most likely a young nobleman, and could not possibly have been a son of Anders Uf who must have already been 45 years old in 1511 when he inherited from his mother's brother (63). (Meaning that Jesper/Esbern Uf was born circa 1540-45, and Anders Uf would have been at least 70 years old in 1540 - Norman Madsen.)
The second branch, the main branch, was continued through the youngest son, Chief Justice Oluf Ottensen, who rejected the family name Uf, and his descendants were known only by their patronym. We will refer to them under the name 'Sparre-Uf' after their coat-of-arms.
The third branch was also rather short-lived, but made an indelible mark due to the fiery temperament of its members. This branch we will call 'Agern-Uf' after their coat-of-arms, and it originates from the daughter of Otte Pedersen Uf who married the Bornholmer freeman Oluf Tuesen. Her son adopted the Uf-family name.
Senest redigeret=17 Jun 2009
Otte Pedersen Uf blev født før 1440 i Nyker, Vester, Bornholm. Han var søn af Peder Johansen Uf og Ottesdatter Bild. Otte blev gift cirka 1467 i Bornholm med Andersdatter Galen, datter af Anders Galen og Karine Jepsdatter Rani. Otte Pedersen Uf var i 1493 Proprietær i Pg. Skovsholm, Årsdale Kirkevej 4, Ibsker, Øster, Bornholm. Han døde mellem 1497 og 1500 i Pg. Simblegård, Klemensker, Nørre, Bornholm.2
- Tavler
- Michael Erichsens aner
Far-Nat* | Peder Johansen Uf f. c 1380 |
Mor-Nat* | Ottesdatter Bild f. f 1400, d. e 1420 |
Familie: Otte Pedersen Uf og Andersdatter Galen
Barn af Otte Pedersen Uf
- Oluf Ottesen Uf+ f. c 1475
Jens Peter Karmark Bruun
M, f. 26 juli 1890
Senest redigeret=21 Nov 2016
Jens Peter Karmark Bruun blev født 26 juli 1890 i Vamdrup, Anst, Ribe. Han var søn af Just Georg Valdemar Aagaard Bruun og Elisabeth Christine Hvoslef. Jens Peter Karmark Bruun blev døbt 19 oktober 1890 i Vamdrup, Anst, Ribe, bevidnet af Marie Nielsine Bruun.1
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Just Georg Valdemar Aagaard Bruun f. 14 Okt 1858, d. 10 Okt 1936 |
Mor-Nat* | Elisabeth Christine Hvoslef f. 25 Jul 1858 |
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
Bethsy Nicoline Bay
K, f. 9 april 1878, d. 5 februar 1922
Senest redigeret=21 Nov 2016
Bethsy Nicoline Bay blev født 9 april 1878 i Follerupgård, Herslev, Brusk, Vejle. Hun var datter af Christian Bay og Mary Qvistgaard. Bethsy Nicoline Bay blev døbt 27 juni 1878 i Herslev, Brusk, Vejle.1 Hun var fadder ved dåben af Hertha Qvistgaard Bay 19 juli 1903 Estvad, Ginding, Ringkøbing.1 Bethsy Nicoline Bay var fadder ved dåben af Hans Henrik Qvistgaard Bay 26 december 1905 Estvad, Ginding, Ringkøbing.1 Bethsy Nicoline Bay døde 5 februar 1922 i en alder af 43 år.
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Christian Bay f. 17 Apr 1835, d. 11 Jul 1904 |
Mor-Nat* | Mary Qvistgaard f. 5 Jun 1848, d. 23 Aug 1929 |
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Bay, 44, M, Gift, Husfader, Godseier, Rudkjøbing, Svendborg Amt,
Marie Bay født Qvistgaard, 31, K, Gift, Hans Hustru, Boeslunde Sogn, SorøAmt,
Alf Qvistgaard Bay, 6, M, Ugift, Deres Barn, Herslev Sogn, Veile Amt,
Knud Qvistgaard Bay, 3, M, Ugift, Deres Barn, Herslev Sogn, Veile Amt,
Betzy Nicoline Bay, 1, K, Ugift, Deres Barn, Herslev Sogn, Veile Amt,
Benedict Qvistgaard Bay, under 1 Aar, M, Ugift, Deres Barn, Herslev Sogn, Veile Amt,.
Niels Nielsen
M, f. 26 april 1871, d. september 1925
Senest redigeret=6 Mar 2018
Niels Nielsen var arbejdsmand. Han blev født 26 april 1871 i Ørslev, Bårse, Præstø. Niels blev gift 16 november 1894 i Vordingborg med Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen. Niels Nielsen døde september 1925 i Algade 90, Vordingborg, i en alder af 54 år.
Barn af Niels Nielsen og Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen
- Karen Dorthea Sofie Henriette Nielsen+ f. 2 Feb 1897, d. 7 Maj 1960
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Forældre med 3 børn:
Karen Dorthea Sofie Henriette Nielsen f. 2/2-1897 – hun er fundet døbt Vordingborg okt 1894 - 1897 opslag 114
Karl Vilhelm Peter Niels Henrik Nielsen f. 11/2-1899 – han er fundet døbt Vordingborg 1897 – 1899 – opslag 38
Maren Kristine Vilhelminge angives at være født 22 jan. 1900 – men hendes dåb kan jeg ikke finde. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Med 3 børn mere:
Marie Nielsen født 1899 på Frederiksberg – hende kan jeg ikke finde
Ester Karen Kirstine født 24/7-1901 – fundet her Vordingborg Sogn 1900 – 1902 – opslag 102
Kai Roberr Emil Nielsen f. 19/10-1902 – fundet her Vordingborg 1903 - 1905,- opslag 21 – Han tager navneforandring til Hagenvig i 1951. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Arbejdsmand -
Sofhie Nielsen - 14 - 3 - 1870 - Gift - Hustru - -
Karl Vilhelm - 11 - 2 - 1899 - Ugift - Søn - Handelslærling -
Ester Nielsen - 24 - 6 - 1902 - Ugift - Barn - -
Robert Nielsen - 19 - 10 - 1903 - Ugift - Søn -.
Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold1
M, f. 17 august 1842, d. 9 april 1895
Senest redigeret=11 Sep 2016
Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold blev født 17 august 1842 i Løgstør. Han var søn af Morten Joachim Ferdinand de Svanenskjold og Johanne Adelaide Mühlensteth. Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold blev døbt 3 oktober 1842 i Løgsted Kirke, Viborgvej 119, Løgsted, Slet, Ålborg.2 Han tog eksamen som student i 1861. Han tog eksamen som cand. jur. 14 januar 1869. Han var i 1869 by- og birkefuldmægtig i Nykøbing S. Han var fadder ved dåben af Carl Ferdinand Johan Martinus de Svanenskjold 17 maj 1869 Tikøb, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg.2 Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold var i 1874 kopist i overretten. Johan blev gift 3 oktober 1877 i Mariager Kirke, Klosterstien 12, Mariager, med Emilie Laura Eleonore Rohde, datter af Søren Julius Rohde og Thora Wilhelmine Gabrielle Brusch. Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold var 24 november 1890 assistent i overretten. Han døde 9 april 1895 i Hinrichsensgade 8, København, i en alder af 52 år. Han blev bisat fra Skt. Jakobs Kirke, Østerbrogade 59, København, 13 april 1895.2
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Morten Joachim Ferdinand de Svanenskjold f. 11 Dec 1799, d. 11 Mar 1876 |
Mor-Nat* | Johanne Adelaide Mühlensteth f. 3 Okt 1813, d. 30 Nov 1893 |
Barn af Johan Valdemar Alexis de Svanenskjold og Emilie Laura Eleonore Rohde
- Thora Johanne Martine de Svanenskjold f. 7 Feb 1879, d. 26 Jul 1965
- [S437] A. Falk-Jensen og H. Hjorth-Nielsen, Danske Jurister 1736-1936, de Svanenskiold, Johan Valdemar Alexis, f. 17. Aug. 1842 i Løgstør, d. 9. Apr. 1895 i Kbh. (Jac), S. af Morten Joachim Ferdinand de S. (se d.). co 3. Okt. 1877 i Mariager Emilie Laura Eleonora Rohde, f. 19. Marts 1854 i Kbh. (Helligg.), d. 6. Sep. 1910 paa Frbg. (Solbjerg), D. af Isenkræmmer Søren Julius R. og Thora Vilhelmine Gabriele Brusch.
1861 Student, privat, 14. Jan. 1869 cand. jur. (h. h.), s. A. By- og Birkefuldm. i Nykøbing S., 1871 Sagførerfuldm. sst., 22. Marts 1872 Ass. i Finansmin.s 1. Revisionsdept., 1874 till. Kopist i Landsover- samt Hof- og Stadsretten, 24. Nov. 1890 Ass. i samme Ret. - [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Morten Joachim Ferdinant Svanenskjold, 46, Gift, , Cancelliraad Herredsfoged, Kyndby sogn Frederiksborg amt
Johanne Adelaide Mylenstedt, 30, Gift, , Hans kone, Kjøbenhavn
Peter Reginald Emil Svanenskjold, 8, Ugift, , Deres børn, Heri sognet
Marie Georgine Adelgunda Svanenskjold, 4, Ugift, , Deres børn, Heri sognet
Johan Valdemar Alexes Svanenskjold, 3, Ugift, , Deres børn, Heri sognet
Ella Fernande Adelaide Svanenskjold, 2, Ugift, , Deres børn, Heri sognet. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Morten Joachim Ferdinand Svanenskjold, 51, Gift, , Cancelliråd, Herredsfoged, Skriver i Aars-Slet herreder, Husfader, Kyndby sogn, Roskilde amt
Johanne Adelaide Mühlensleth, 36, Gift, , Hans Kone, København
Peter Reginald Emil Svanenskjold, 13, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Løgsted sogn, Ålborg amt
Adelgunde Georgine Marie Svanenskjold, 9, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Løgsted sogn, Ålborg amt
Johan Valdemar Alexis Svanenskjold, 8, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Løgsted sogn, Ålborg amt
Immanuella Svanenskjold, 1, Ugift, , Deres Børn, Løgsted sogn, Ålborg amt
Peter Ferdinand Emil Bonnevie, 20, Ugift, , Kontorist, Vallekilde sogn, Holbæk amt. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Johan Valdemar Alexis Svanenskjold, 41 , Gift, Husfader, Assistent u Finantministeriet, Løgstør
Emilie Laura Eleonora Svanenskjold, 30 , Gift, Husmoder, , Kjøbenhavn
Thora Johanne Martine Svanenskjold, 5 , Ugift, Barn, , Kjøbenhavn. - [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
Ernst Jakob Alexander Willaume-Fabricius
M, f. 16 oktober 1878
Senest redigeret=29 Sep 2019
Ernst Jakob Alexander Willaume-Fabricius blev født 16 oktober 1878 i København. Han var søn af Johannes Ludvig Fabricius og Carolina Andersson. Ernst Jakob Alexander Willaume-Fabricius blev døbt 30 marts 1879 i Skt. Johannes Kirke, Blegdamsvej 1A, København.1 Han emigrerede med Johannes Ludvig Fabricius og Carolina Andersson 13 august 1881 fra København.2
Far-Nat* | Johannes Ludvig Fabricius f. 19 Sep 1847 |
Mor-Nat* | Carolina Andersson f. 30 Mar 1848 |
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S167] Udvandringsprotokol, online http://ddd.dda.dk, Navn: Fabricius, Johannes, Stilling: Bager
Alder: 34, Bestemmelsessted: New York
Kontrakt nr.: 132800, Forevisningsdato: 8/13/1881
Sidste oph.sogn: København, Sidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kjøbenh., Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: New York City, Bestemmelses stat: New York State
Skibsnavn: Thingvalla
Navn: Fabricius, Caroline, Stilling: Hustru
Alder: 33, Bestemmelsessted: New York
Kontrakt nr.: 132800, Forevisningsdato: 8/13/1881
Sidste oph.sogn: København, Sidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kjøbenh., Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: New York City, Bestemmelses stat: New York State
Skibsnavn: Thingvalla
Navn: Fabricius, Elna, Stilling: Barn
Alder: 05, Bestemmelsessted: New York
Kontrakt nr.: 132800, Forevisningsdato: 8/13/1881
Sidste oph.sogn: København, Sidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kjøbenh., Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: New York City, Bestemmelses stat: New York State
Skibsnavn: Thingvalla
Navn: Fabricius, Ernst, Stilling: Barn
Alder: 02 1/2, Bestemmelsessted: New York
Kontrakt nr.: 132800, Forevisningsdato: 8/13/1881
Sidste oph.sogn: København, Sidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kjøbenh., Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: New York City, Bestemmelses stat: New York State
Skibsnavn: Thingvalla
Navn: Fabricius, Marta, Stilling: Barn
Alder: 00 1/2, Bestemmelsessted: New York
Kontrakt nr.: 132800, Forevisningsdato: 8/13/1881
Sidste oph.sogn: København, Sidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kjøbenh., Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: New York City, Bestemmelses stat: New York State
Skibsnavn: Thingvalla. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Johannes Ludvig Fabricius, 32 , Gift, , Konditor, Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt
Caroline Andersen, 31 , Gift, Hans Kone, , Lund, Sverige
Elna Vilhelmine Dorthea Fabricius, 3½ , Ugift, Deres Datter, , København
Ernst Andreas Vilaume Fabricius, 1 1/4 , Ugift, Deres Søn, , København.
Anna Ludewig
K, d. 4 oktober 1724
Senest redigeret=4 Maj 2007
Anna blev gift med Gysbert Wigand Michelbecker. Anna Ludewig døde 4 oktober 1724.
Barn af Anna Ludewig og Gysbert Wigand Michelbecker
- Anne Marie Michelbecker f. 22 Feb 1671, d. 19 Mar 1732
Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen
K, f. cirka 1871, d. 22 september 1949
Senest redigeret=30 Apr 2016
Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen blev født cirka 1871 i Frederiksberg, København. Marie blev gift 16 november 1894 i Vordingborg med Niels Nielsen. Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen døde 22 september 1949 i Hvilkildevej 14, København. Hun blev bisat fra Skt. Ansgars Kirke, Bredgade 64, København.
Barn af Marie Sofie Nicoline Christiansen og Niels Nielsen
- Karen Dorthea Sofie Henriette Nielsen+ f. 2 Feb 1897, d. 7 Maj 1960
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Hendrik Christiansen, 48, Gift, Magleby [Sogn] paa Moen, Præsto Amt, Husfader, Pakmester ved de Sjællandske Jernbaner, M
Karen Marie Christiansen fodt Petersen, 47, Gift, Alsted Sogn pr. Ringsted, Soro Amt, Husmoder, K
Karoline Hansine Christiansen, 13, Ugift, Kjobenhavn, Datter, K
Bennedikte Christine Christiansen, 11, Ugift, Frederiksberg [Sogn, Kjobenhavns Amt], Datter, K
Marie Sofie Nikoline Christiansen, 9, Ugift, Frederiksberg [Sogn, Kjobenhavns Amt], Datter, K. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Forældre med 3 børn:
Karen Dorthea Sofie Henriette Nielsen f. 2/2-1897 – hun er fundet døbt Vordingborg okt 1894 - 1897 opslag 114
Karl Vilhelm Peter Niels Henrik Nielsen f. 11/2-1899 – han er fundet døbt Vordingborg 1897 – 1899 – opslag 38
Maren Kristine Vilhelminge angives at være født 22 jan. 1900 – men hendes dåb kan jeg ikke finde. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Med 3 børn mere:
Marie Nielsen født 1899 på Frederiksberg – hende kan jeg ikke finde
Ester Karen Kirstine født 24/7-1901 – fundet her Vordingborg Sogn 1900 – 1902 – opslag 102
Kai Roberr Emil Nielsen f. 19/10-1902 – fundet her Vordingborg 1903 - 1905,- opslag 21 – Han tager navneforandring til Hagenvig i 1951. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside, Iflg. Lis B. Jensen:
Arbejdsmand -
Sofhie Nielsen - 14 - 3 - 1870 - Gift - Hustru - -
Karl Vilhelm - 11 - 2 - 1899 - Ugift - Søn - Handelslærling -
Ester Nielsen - 24 - 6 - 1902 - Ugift - Barn - -
Robert Nielsen - 19 - 10 - 1903 - Ugift - Søn -. - [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Dagmar Katrine Nielsen
K, f. 27 april 1915, d. 21 maj 1998
Senest redigeret=15 Jun 2017
Dagmar Katrine Nielsen blev født 27 april 1915 i Søborg, Gladsaxe, København. Hun var datter af Henry Georg Rudolf Nielsen og Else Maria Andersen. Dagmar blev gift med Immanuel Honoratussøn Bonnevie, søn af Honoratus Bonnevie og Ingeborg Elisabeth Rørdam. Dagmar Katrine Nielsen døde 21 maj 1998 i København i en alder af 83 år.
- Tavler
- Slægten Wøldike
Far-Nat* | Henry Georg Rudolf Nielsen f. 16 Nov 1874 |
Mor-Nat* | Else Maria Andersen f. 4 Jun 1878 |
Barn af Dagmar Katrine Nielsen og Immanuel Honoratussøn Bonnevie
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Clara Aquilina Johnson
K, f. 21 april 1888
Senest redigeret=11 Mar 2018
Clara Aquilina Johnson blev født 21 april 1888 i Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA. Hun blev døbt 21 oktober 1888 i Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Clara blev gift 13 april 1914 i Slotskirken, Fredensborg, Asminderød, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg, med Nikolaj Dalsgaard Mønsted.1
Barn af Clara Aquilina Johnson og Nikolaj Dalsgaard Mønsted
- Ellen Margrethe Dalsgaard Mønsted+ f. 13 Jun 1923, d. 5 Dec 1993
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Poul Georg Emil Gunthel
M, f. 21 marts 1908, d. 18 april 1992
Senest redigeret=6 Mar 2018
Poul Georg Emil Gunthel var cykelhandler, senere antikvitetshandler i Kongens Lyngby, Sokkelund, København. Han blev født 21 marts 1908 i København. Han var søn af Christian Louis Harald Gunthel og Caroline Henriette Løhr. Poul Georg Emil Gunthel blev døbt 16 august 1908 i Frihavnskirken, Willemoesgade 68, København. Poul blev gift 26 maj 1935 i Solbjerg Kirke, Howitzvej 30A, Frederiksberg, København, med Justa Bernhardine Simon Fabricius, datter af Adam Christopher Fabricius og Ida Charlotte Caroline Amalie Andersen. Poul Georg Emil Gunthel døde 18 april 1992 i Klitmøller, Vester Vandet, Hillerslev, Thisted, i en alder af 84 år.1 Han blev bisat fra Hvidbjerg, Refs, Thisted.
Far-Nat* | Christian Louis Harald Gunthel f. 22 Apr 1876, d. 1954 |
Mor-Nat* | Caroline Henriette Løhr f. 19 Sep 1876, d. 1939 |
Familie: Poul Georg Emil Gunthel og Justa Bernhardine Simon Fabricius
- [S41] Gravsten.
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Mette Krummendiek af Rundtoft1,2
K, f. cirka 1350, d. cirka 1399
Med hende kom en del af faderens gods (Melbek, Løgismose og andet gods på Sydfyn) i Julernes besiddelse. Efter hendes død blev arven delt mellem 3 sønner, 3 svigersønner af 1. ægteskab (med Peter Jul) samt 3 børn af 2. ægteskab (med den Hartvig Ottesen Sested). En af svigersønnerne var borgmester i Flensborg Henrik Vrese.
Mette Krummedige nævnes at være 'af Løgismose'. Hun nævnes i arkiverne som 'Fru Mette, Segebod Krummediges Mette'. Sønnen, Ivar Juel, solgte sin arvepart i Løgisose til Jens Petersen Panter omkring 1401. Hendes ældste sønner Ivar, Troels, Thomas og svigersønnerne (Sievert Krog og Henrik Viese (Friis)) var borgmestre i Flensborg.
Iflg. Diplomatarium Flensborgensis var hendes mand, Peter Juel, den ældst kendte borgmester i Flensborg - nævnt i 1379, men allerede i 1363 nævnes han i Trefoldighedsgildet i Flensborg som 'Peter Agdorp, borgmester'.
På bakkerne mod nord, udenfor Flensborg bymur, har der ifølge historien ligget 5 adelsgårde. Den ene af disse tilhørte Juel-slægten og blev kaldt 'Eddebo' (det senere Duborg). Eddebo var beliggende i Mariaskoven (Mariebjerget) på den såkaldte junkerplads. Her har man i de senere år ved udgravninger fundet rester af den oprindelige beboelse.
Mette Krummedige nævnes at være 'af Løgismose'. Hun nævnes i arkiverne som 'Fru Mette, Segebod Krummediges Mette'. Sønnen, Ivar Juel, solgte sin arvepart i Løgisose til Jens Petersen Panter omkring 1401. Hendes ældste sønner Ivar, Troels, Thomas og svigersønnerne (Sievert Krog og Henrik Viese (Friis)) var borgmestre i Flensborg.
Iflg. Diplomatarium Flensborgensis var hendes mand, Peter Juel, den ældst kendte borgmester i Flensborg - nævnt i 1379, men allerede i 1363 nævnes han i Trefoldighedsgildet i Flensborg som 'Peter Agdorp, borgmester'.
På bakkerne mod nord, udenfor Flensborg bymur, har der ifølge historien ligget 5 adelsgårde. Den ene af disse tilhørte Juel-slægten og blev kaldt 'Eddebo' (det senere Duborg). Eddebo var beliggende i Mariaskoven (Mariebjerget) på den såkaldte junkerplads. Her har man i de senere år ved udgravninger fundet rester af den oprindelige beboelse.
Senest redigeret=31 Okt 2010
Mette blev gift med Peter Jul, søn af Iver Nielsen og Thomasdatter Juel. Mette Krummendiek af Rundtoft blev født cirka 1350. Hun var datter af Segebod Krummedige til Mehlbeck og Løgismose og Cecilie Pedersdatter Skram til Rundtoft. Mette Krummendiek af Rundtoft døde cirka 1399 i Flensborg.
Far-Nat* | Segebod Krummedige til Mehlbeck og Løgismose d. f 1397 |
Mor-Nat* | Cecilie Pedersdatter Skram til Rundtoft f. c 1342, d. e 1397 |
Barn af Mette Krummendiek af Rundtoft og Peter Jul
- Thomas Pedersen Juel+ f. c 1370, d. 1444
Christian Louis Harald Gunthel
M, f. 22 april 1876, d. 1954
Senest redigeret=6 Mar 2018
Christian Louis Harald Gunthel var stabsofficiant og overmekaniker i hæren. Han blev født 22 april 1876 i Østerfælled B21, København. Han blev døbt 12 november 1876 i Skt. Johannes Kirke, Blegdamsvej 1A, København.1 Christian blev gift i 1898 med Caroline Henriette Løhr. Christian Louis Harald Gunthel døde i 1954.
Barn af Christian Louis Harald Gunthel og Caroline Henriette Løhr
- Poul Georg Emil Gunthel f. 21 Mar 1908, d. 18 Apr 1992
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Carl Frd.Emil Gunthel, 44, Gift, Hørkræmmer, Kjøbenhavn, Husfader, M
Wilhelmine Marie Gunthel, 39, Gift, , Kjøbenhavn, Husmoder, K
Augusta Sophie Gunthel, 16, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K
Sophus Valdemar Gunthel, 15, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Søn, M
Ingeborg Caroline Gunthel, 12, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K
Wilhelm Gunthel, 10, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Søn, M
Louis Harald Gunthel, 8, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Søn, M
Augusta Soph.Gunthel, 7, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K
Marie Cals.Gunthel, 3, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K
Agnes Henriette Gunthel, 1, Ugift, , Kjøbenhavn, Datter, K. - [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Caroline Henriette Løhr
K, f. 19 september 1876, d. 1939
Senest redigeret=6 Mar 2018
Caroline Henriette Løhr blev født 19 september 1876 i København. Caroline blev gift i 1898 med Christian Louis Harald Gunthel. Caroline Henriette Løhr døde i 1939.
Barn af Caroline Henriette Løhr og Christian Louis Harald Gunthel
- Poul Georg Emil Gunthel f. 21 Mar 1908, d. 18 Apr 1992
- [S423] Registerblade, online http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk
- [S5] Arkivalier Online, online http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside
Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm1
M, f. 23 marts 1795, d. 12 maj 1848
Fra Dansk Biografisk Lexikon:2
Holm, Christian Christopher Gøttsche, 1796-1848, Officer, er født 23. Marts 1796 paa Donse Krudtmølle og Søn af daværende Mølleejer Christian H., senere Organist og Chef for et Borgerkompagni i Helsingør. Moderen hed Frederikke f. Gøttsche.
H. fik sin første Undervisning i Latinskolen i Helsingør og var bestemt for Studeringerne, men det viste sig, at han havde en udpræget Lyst til Militærstanden, og i sit 13. Aar fik han Tilladelse til at indtræde som Frikorporal paa Militærinstituttet, hvorfra han overgik til Kadetakademiet. Efter i 1812 at have taget en fortrinlig Examen udnævntes H. til Sekondlieutenant ved sjællandske Jægerkorps, ved hvilket han – der havde nyttet Tiden efter Fredslutningen i Kiel til (1816) at underkaste sig Landmaalerexamen og i 1817 forrettede Tjeneste ved Auxiliærkorpset i Frankrig – 1823 blev Premierlieutenant og Adjudant, 1831 Kapitajn. 1842 blev H. forsat til det da oprettede i. Jægerkorps, der garnisonerede i Kjøbenhavn. Han gjorde sig her bemærket ved sin fremragende Duelighed som Troppefører i Marken og ved sit udstrakte Kjendskab til Tjenestens forskjellige Grene, hvoraf Krigsbestyrelsen drog Nytte ved bl. a. at give ham Sæde i de Kommissioner, der havde at tage Spørgsmaalet om Infanteriets Bevæbning og Udrustning under Overvejelse. Af sine undergivne var H. i høj Grad afholdt, og Kammeraterne saa op til ham med Tillid. Dette viste sig paa en opsigtvækkende Maade i 1846, i det han udvalgtes til selv anden at overbringe Christian VIII et Andragende fra Kjøbenhavns Garnisons Kapitajner om, at der i Steden for de gjældende Avancementsbestemmelser af 1842 maatte blive udarbejdet nye. Det er betegnende for den Anseelse, H. nød, at det Rygte fandt Tiltro, at Tscherning ved Krigens Udbrud i 1848 havde tilbudt ham Overbefalingen over den aktive Hær, et Tilbud, H.s Beskedenhed dog havde forbudt ham at modtage. H. forfremmedes til Major strax efter Hærens Indrykning i Sønderjylland og stilledes til Raadighed for Avantgarden. Under dennes berømte Kamp 23. April i Slaget ved Slesvig godtgjorde H., der overtog Kommandoen efter Chefen Oberstlieutenant Magius’ Fald, paa en glimrende Maade, at han ikke var bleven fejlagtig bedømt i Fredens Dage. Lige som Slaget næsten var endt, ramtes han imidlertid af en Geværkugle, som han selv antog hidrørte fra en civil Mand, og til almindelig Beklagelse i Hæren paafulgte Døden 12. Maj. Nogle Dage efter kom Efterretningen om, at han uden for Tur var bleven udnævnt til Oberstlieutenant.
H. var en lille, firskaaren, kraftig bygget Mand med et aabent og djærvt Ansigt, sikker og støt Optræden. Han var siden 1835 gift med Anna Sophie Cathrine f. Ølund (f. 1802), Datter af Ejeren af Svanemøllen og Ølands Mølle Christian Ø.
Selmer, Nekrolog. Saml. I.
Den dansk-tydske Krig 1848-50, udg. af Generalstaben, I, 1297 ff.
S. A. Sørensen.
Holm, Christian Christopher Gøttsche, 1796-1848, Officer, er født 23. Marts 1796 paa Donse Krudtmølle og Søn af daværende Mølleejer Christian H., senere Organist og Chef for et Borgerkompagni i Helsingør. Moderen hed Frederikke f. Gøttsche.
H. fik sin første Undervisning i Latinskolen i Helsingør og var bestemt for Studeringerne, men det viste sig, at han havde en udpræget Lyst til Militærstanden, og i sit 13. Aar fik han Tilladelse til at indtræde som Frikorporal paa Militærinstituttet, hvorfra han overgik til Kadetakademiet. Efter i 1812 at have taget en fortrinlig Examen udnævntes H. til Sekondlieutenant ved sjællandske Jægerkorps, ved hvilket han – der havde nyttet Tiden efter Fredslutningen i Kiel til (1816) at underkaste sig Landmaalerexamen og i 1817 forrettede Tjeneste ved Auxiliærkorpset i Frankrig – 1823 blev Premierlieutenant og Adjudant, 1831 Kapitajn. 1842 blev H. forsat til det da oprettede i. Jægerkorps, der garnisonerede i Kjøbenhavn. Han gjorde sig her bemærket ved sin fremragende Duelighed som Troppefører i Marken og ved sit udstrakte Kjendskab til Tjenestens forskjellige Grene, hvoraf Krigsbestyrelsen drog Nytte ved bl. a. at give ham Sæde i de Kommissioner, der havde at tage Spørgsmaalet om Infanteriets Bevæbning og Udrustning under Overvejelse. Af sine undergivne var H. i høj Grad afholdt, og Kammeraterne saa op til ham med Tillid. Dette viste sig paa en opsigtvækkende Maade i 1846, i det han udvalgtes til selv anden at overbringe Christian VIII et Andragende fra Kjøbenhavns Garnisons Kapitajner om, at der i Steden for de gjældende Avancementsbestemmelser af 1842 maatte blive udarbejdet nye. Det er betegnende for den Anseelse, H. nød, at det Rygte fandt Tiltro, at Tscherning ved Krigens Udbrud i 1848 havde tilbudt ham Overbefalingen over den aktive Hær, et Tilbud, H.s Beskedenhed dog havde forbudt ham at modtage. H. forfremmedes til Major strax efter Hærens Indrykning i Sønderjylland og stilledes til Raadighed for Avantgarden. Under dennes berømte Kamp 23. April i Slaget ved Slesvig godtgjorde H., der overtog Kommandoen efter Chefen Oberstlieutenant Magius’ Fald, paa en glimrende Maade, at han ikke var bleven fejlagtig bedømt i Fredens Dage. Lige som Slaget næsten var endt, ramtes han imidlertid af en Geværkugle, som han selv antog hidrørte fra en civil Mand, og til almindelig Beklagelse i Hæren paafulgte Døden 12. Maj. Nogle Dage efter kom Efterretningen om, at han uden for Tur var bleven udnævnt til Oberstlieutenant.
H. var en lille, firskaaren, kraftig bygget Mand med et aabent og djærvt Ansigt, sikker og støt Optræden. Han var siden 1835 gift med Anna Sophie Cathrine f. Ølund (f. 1802), Datter af Ejeren af Svanemøllen og Ølands Mølle Christian Ø.
Selmer, Nekrolog. Saml. I.
Den dansk-tydske Krig 1848-50, udg. af Generalstaben, I, 1297 ff.
S. A. Sørensen.
Senest redigeret=15 Aug 2016
Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm blev født 23 marts 1795 i Donse Krudtmølle, Gunderød, Karlebo, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg. Han blev døbt 26 april 1795 i Karlebo, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg.3 Han var 1 januar 1812 kadet. Han var 9 september 1813 Sekondløitnant i sjæll. Jægerkorps. Han var 19 maj 1818 landmåler. Han var 30 maj 1823 Premierløitnant. Han var 28 august 1831 stabskaptajn. Christian blev gift i 1835 i Citadelskirken, Kastellet 50, København, med Ane Cathrine Sophie Øelund. Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm var 30 december 1835 Kompagnichef. Han var 1 juli 1842 Kaptain I i 1.Jægerkorps. Han var 25 marts 1848 karakter. Major. Han døde 12 maj 1848 i en alder af 53 år af skudsår fra slaget ved Slesvig 23. april 1848.
Barn af Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm og Ane Cathrine Sophie Øelund
- Fanny Johanne Christiane Holm+ f. 9 Jul 1837, d. 30 Aug 1924
- [S609] Vilhelm Richter, Den Danske Landmilitæretat.
- [S43] Thomas Hansen Erslew, Erslew.
- [S3] , Kirkebog.
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Christoff. Holm, 44, Gift, Compagniecheff i Sjællandske Jæger Corps
Sophie Catharina Holm, 39, Gift, hans Hustrue
Sanny Christiane Johanne, 3, Ugift, deres Datter. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Christoff. von Holm, 49, Gift, Capitain i 1. Jæger-Corps, Ridder af Dannebrogen, Carleboe Sogn, Frederiksborg Amt, M
Sophie Catharine Holm født Øelund, 45, Gift, hans Kone, Svanemøllen ved Kjøbenhavn, K
Fanny Christiane J. Holm, 8, Ugift, deres Døttre, Citadellet Frederikshavn, K
Harriet Frederikke C. Holm, 5, Ugift, deres Døttre, Citadellet Frederikshavn, K.
Ane Cathrine Sophie Øelund
K, f. cirka 1802
Senest redigeret=28 Jan 2011
Ane Cathrine Sophie Øelund blev født cirka 1802 i Svanemøllen, København. Ane blev gift i 1835 i Citadelskirken, Kastellet 50, København, med Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm.
Barn af Ane Cathrine Sophie Øelund og Christian Christopher Gøttsche von Holm
- Fanny Johanne Christiane Holm+ f. 9 Jul 1837, d. 30 Aug 1924
- [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Christoff. Holm, 44, Gift, Compagniecheff i Sjællandske Jæger Corps
Sophie Catharina Holm, 39, Gift, hans Hustrue
Sanny Christiane Johanne, 3, Ugift, deres Datter. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Christian Christoff. von Holm, 49, Gift, Capitain i 1. Jæger-Corps, Ridder af Dannebrogen, Carleboe Sogn, Frederiksborg Amt, M
Sophie Catharine Holm født Øelund, 45, Gift, hans Kone, Svanemøllen ved Kjøbenhavn, K
Fanny Christiane J. Holm, 8, Ugift, deres Døttre, Citadellet Frederikshavn, K
Harriet Frederikke C. Holm, 5, Ugift, deres Døttre, Citadellet Frederikshavn, K. - [S7] Dansk Demografisk Database, URL http://ddd.dda.dk, Anna Holm født Øelund, 48, Enke, oberstliautantinde, Helsingör
Harriette Frederikke Holm, 10, Ugift, datter, Castellet.